Kevin Blackwood

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Midnite, Apr 27, 2005.

  1. Midnite

    Midnite New Member

    Kevin wrote a very interesting article in this month's Casino Player Magazine, on Blackjack Tournament play.

    He also stated that Ken Smith (who ever that is) <g> is now generally considered the best tournament player on the planet.

    Nice article. Read it if you get the chance.

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Lofty goal

    Well, at least I have a goal to try to reach now.

    For understanding of the game, I might be in the top twenty.
    For long-term statistical performance, I may be in the top 50.
    For dollars won, I'm probably not in the top 200.

    I look forward to reading Kevin's article.

    Meanwhile, May would be an excellent time for me to jump into the top 5 for money won. All it takes is defeating 199 other people next month.
  3. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    is that all?

    no sweat......

    Still, must feel real nice to be ranked over Wong and company.
  4. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    WTG Kenneth!

    How absolutely refreshing to have you offer a candid and honest assessment of your status in the BJ tournament Universe, particularly during a period of time when aided by some TV coverage, newcomers to BJ tournaments proclaim themselves to be instant (self-anointed) BJ tournament gurus.

    Given your skill level, I would not bet against you in May! :cool: :cool: :cool:
  5. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Get a life.

    Based on the bulk of your previous posts, i can only assume this is yet another swipe at yours truly. it is really amazing to me (and others) how you manage to turn every single thread you post in, whether specific to me or not (usually, in fact, on a completely unrelated topic), into some bizarre attack.

    i get it, you've got a hard on for me; a quick look at your 80-some posts here reveals that an astonishing HALF of them involve some sort of childish attack. its sad to think that for a guy who clearly doesn't like me very much, you've obviously devoted a nice chunk of your life to obsessing over me. kinda flattering, in fact, to be despised with such passion and intensity! ;)

    so what are we gonna do about this, my little stalker? wanna fly out to the Hilton next month during the finals so we can have that big confrontation you've been dreaming of? although at this point i honestly don't know if you wanna fight me or fuck me, but then again you probably don't know either. such blind rage often comes from a confusing place, and i doubt it really has anything to do with me. but, for my part, i'd be honored to punch the shit outta you if that'll make ya feel any better. in fact, i'd do it with pleasure!

    so go ahead and post one of your usual grammatically incorrect responses, and don't forget to sign your name with the standard 3 or 4 jokers, so people know what a joke you really are. and i'm glad i could oblige you with a direct response to your post (like fuel on a fire) because i know how hungry you get when i don't feed you for awhile. after all, you ARE my most acerbic stalker; its the least i can do.

    -holly d.
  6. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    I had forgotten all about you. I thought you said that now you preferred to play poker.
    Oh well, if the shoe fits, go ahead and wear it anyway! :joker: :joker: :joker:
    By the way, make sure to read KennyE's new book due out later this year.
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Where there is "smoke" there is Hollywood

    Dave your skin has become very thin,nowhere in that post did it mention you.I believe what BJFAN4 was alluding to were some other player or player's that has been going around claiming to be a Tournament experts. In fact I hope that i'm not the one that made your skin this thin.If it's in fact that thin be careful out in the sun in Las Vegas by the pool while Im inside trying to win a Million Dollars.Plus you never claimed to be a Tournament Guru,so we all know he not talking about you. ;)
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    What a table

    I am not picking sides Hollywood, but BJFAN4 wasn't talking about you in his post.


    What if BJFAN4, Joep, and Hollywood were on the same table at the LV Hilton next month for the Finals. That would be a fun a table to watch with the table banter between them and actually all three are good players as well.

    I would watch that table from start to finish.
  9. iitmfl

    iitmfl New Member

    Yikes! Sounds like someone got up on the wrong side of the bed...

    Remember when the "game" had some class? Sounds like now it's coming down to a fight in the alley (or the ol' backroom-remember those? Sorry-you're too young). Either way, it all comes down to how you play and WIN, and some are just better than others-and classier...

    Remember-action speaks louder than words...
    and money talks and BS walks...
  10. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Grudge match.

    Of course for this match to take place, you are assuming that I qualified for next month's LVHilton Finals. Nice compliment... I wish....

    In any event, you and Joep are quite right. Not everything is about Hollywood!
    The post that started all this was simply meant to be a well deserved compliment to Sir Kenneth Smythe. That is all. :) :rolleyes: :D
  11. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    My bad

    okay sorry, you're right, i must be imagining things. i guess after all the times you've attacked me for being "new" to tourneys & only talented for being on TV, i confused your USUAL line of attack for somebody else.

    glad to see you've let all that go & we can be best friends now. ;)

    -holly d.

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