Las Vegas Hilton 100k Tournament this week

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by duro, May 28, 2007.

  1. duro

    duro New Member

    anyone going to the Las Vegas Hilton $100,000 Blackjack Tournament going on May 29 - 31

    i was thinking about driving in from san diego on tuesday

    anyone going or interested ??
  2. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    I'll be there...good luck
  3. duro

    duro New Member


    thanks! good luck to you also!
    we will need it considering there will be 500-1000 people in the tourny
  4. Mrospi

    Mrospi New Member

    I will be there, Looking forward to it. Good Luck everyone....It was fun the last time around.... made it down to about 100 before getting knocked out last time.....I believe there was about 900 last time....I assume they will be going with the same rules as last time..... $100 to buy the mulligan and everyone gets 1 free ace as the 1st card during each round on a predetermined hand. Then down to the Pioneer in Laughlin for their tourney this weekend...
  5. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    I'm There

    I'm already in Vegas and will play the Hilton Suited BJ tournament. See you all there.
  6. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Hilton 100k tournament

    Just got back.

    It was well run, as usual. The next one is in November, so while there, I got a suited BJ which makes me eligible for it.

    FYI....although I did not make the final table, I talked to a couple of the winners. They got paid in real money...(black chips) which they immediately took to the cashiers cage, and got US currency.

    The only problem with this tourny is if you get blown out in the first round, you are pretty well out of luck. Although there are lots of wild cards, the number of players (around 1000) makes getting a wild card like winning the lottery.
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I disagree. This tournament only had 4 or 5 players per table in the first round and the last session of the first round had 3 empty tables. So there were only about 800 players, not 1,000. Among all rounds, there were a total of 50 wild cards drawn. So the chance of getting a wild card to get back into the tournament at various points was 1 in 16 (800 / 50). The actual odds are actually less than 1 in 16 because all those that advanced to the round which the wild cards are drawn are not in the drawing.

    As a side note: One person was drawn twice - into two consecutive rounds.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2007
  8. Mrospi

    Mrospi New Member

    knocked out 1st round... oh well.... 2 strong players at my table and had to chase with less than ideal cards.... it was still alot of fun and qualified for the November tourney while there.....good luck guys....
  9. Chipacabra

    Chipacabra New Member

    Anybody Playing the November Tourney

    I got a suited blackjack and qualified for the november, I wanted to get some opionons about this tournament?
  10. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    About the Hilton suited BJ tournament

    Several of us on this site play the Hilton's suited BJ tournament regularly. There are usually over 600 players present. You will be offered the chance to purchase a "mulligan" for $100. Having a mulligan chip is almost a must to advance and win. The rooms are comped for this tournament, so there is value there.

    The Hilton has come under fire for several BJ tournaments in the recent past - you can go back and read threads on this site about them. The suited BJ tournament is different, and the payouts have, thus far, been made as advertised.

    One feature of this tournament, is that if you play 5 or more hours at the table during the tournament at $10 or more per hand, you will receive offers to future Hilton tournaments including paigow, craps, 3 card poker, etc.

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