Late night Tulsa up-date...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 9, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well this is just a quick update on how the first elimination BJ event finished in Tulsa last night.

    1st - Skip Samad - (dreamer)
    2nd - Tammy Edney - (themom82)
    (she is the BJ cruise travel agent)
    3rd - Stanley Roper - local
    4th - Rick Jensen - (TXtourplayer)
    5th - Don McMichaels - (Bozo101)
    6th - Jamie Root

    I'll post the prize money won later today,

    Good night,

  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Congrats to Skip and Rick.

    And yes, Three's Company fans, the local player's name really was Stanley Roper. :)

    Ken, Thrasht and I were at a table in this tourney that was a real roller coaster ride for all of us.

    All in all it was a fun night. I want to echo all of the positive things that have been said regarding the way Eric Woods is running things here. As many of you have experienced in the past, casinos don't often try too hard to make us comfortable, but Eric and his staff are really going out of their way to make this event and future ones first class. Kudos to Eric and Cherokee.
  3. marichal

    marichal Member

    congrats to the skipper and rickster. also, a big congrats to tammy. she was at my table and handed me my fanny on a platter. wtg tammy!!!!!
  4. tgun

    tgun Member

    early night for me

    Congrats to the finalist. A tough tournament, all had to work hard to make the finals.

    Great Tournament! Thanks to Eric and his staff, especially Tim, who kept the tables running smoothly. All have done their best to please us players.

    Looking forward to a repeat in May.

  5. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    There was no tourney on Friday, so at a party that was held for everyone, we organized our own little event. $525 entry per person and these were the tables:

    Table # 1

    Ken Smith
    Joe Pane
    Ace Donovan
    Chuck Gorson
    Roy Vest
    Rick Jensen

    Table 2

    Harry Fox
    Jamie Root
    Lou "St Louis Mafia" Congemi
    John "Thrasht"
    Skip Samad
    Okla. Local Player

    Advancing from table #1: Myself and Joe Pane
    Advancing from table #2: Thrasht and Skip Samad (Dreamer)

    Final table finished like this:

    #1. Thrasht
    #2. Joe Pane
    #3. Ace Donovan
    #4. Skip Samad

    Cograts to Thrasht who took home a few grand with his win.

    As far as the main event went, most of us got beaten up pretty badly. I know Ken Smith and Jamie Root advanced early, but I don't think things went their way after that. Hopefully someone else has full results.

    <Edit> Rick posted a more thorough recap of the final table in a separate thread.

    One final event tomorrow to wrap it all up.
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2007
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congrats to Ace and JoeP

    The $525 event was pretty nice until the last hand (gee bet you never hear that before...LOL).

    Joep came back from the dead to take BR1 from me (BR2) , Ace (BR3), and Ken (BR4) going into the last hand. Ace on the button and me with the last bet.

    Ace hit a 20, Roy, DD on 5/3, Joep 19, Ken DD on hard 17, Big Chuck had a shot splitting his 20 and catching two more pictures, and I had to DD on 7/5 vs dealers 9.

    The dealer had the 19 and Ace won to take 1st with Joep pushing for 2nd. Big Chuck almost pulled off a hell of a last hand comeback. And poor Ken needed a 3 or 4 caught a 5.

    In the finals the 4 players semi-chopped the pot, $3,000 for first with each of teh other 3 getting $1,000 each. Skipper was out first, Ace was 2nd out and had Great cards (but the dealer always had just one better).

    Head to head, John (Thrasht) got all the breaks and took advantage of them. Joep had a couple of chances, but no luck. One hand John hit a $20 BJ to get ahead of Joep, but Joep had Ace/Ace with $30 and lost both (- $60) to give up the lead. Next John pulls a 21 while the dealer pulls 21 to add to Johns lead. On hand 23 (next to the last John bet first and Joep bet to take the lead. John lost his smaller bet, while Joep pushed his 20. Final hand Joep had to bet and had to hit and make a hand for any chance at catching John, but his third card busted him giving John the win.

    I was happy for John and having 10% of him was nice also...LOL


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