Laughlin August events

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 16, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just talked to Dan and we got an even better deal on the rooms then in May.

    All players who book their rooms before August 1st, 2007 will get a buy one, get one free room for the TBJPA/TBT events, using discount code TBJ207. Contact the VIP or host dept. for these discounts, 1-800-835-7904

    After August 1st the rates will be normal casino rates for all TBJPA members (or soon to be members...LOL).

    The casino rates are $20 per night for week nights and $40 per night for Friday/Saturday nights.

    Note: Any of the 16 players playing in the $10,000 entry One on One match play event will receive comps for their rooms, Wednesday 15th, thru Sunday 19th.

    I am getting an American Airlines discount again for these events and should have it posted next week.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2007
  2. AKdogmusher

    AKdogmusher New Member

    TBPA Website

    :joker: Rick,

    How about posting the August Laughlin events on the TBPA website.

    C y'all there,

    Estaban de Alaska
  3. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    I have been to your site - as a person who may not be able to start going regularly to your events - I would like to take my first stab at it in Laughlin. Can you tell me - so how much will it cost to just do that one event? I have to join right? And is there more than one official tournament in Laughlin? Do you have a separate women's event :) There are also many SNG right? Do you have the exact dates - like a mini schedule of how things usually work? I would likely be driving from Tucson - do you have anycarpoolers? (Flying from Tucson to most places is pretty impossible). OK. Sorry to ask all this but I didn't see exact details anywhere.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    The best approach to squeeze value is playing all the games. Unfortunately that can be costly. So, if you want to play the first game on Friday its a 150 entry + 15 casino fee + 40 tbjpa fee with the 150 going to prize pool. If you have to rebuy twice, like me, you will be paying 75 a shot for an extra 150. This brings the total to 355$ The 40$ tbjpa fee does allow you to play SnGs.

    If you played all the ames the 40$ tbjpa fee would be diluted because your 40$ fee is spread out.

    Here is how I figure my bankroll for tourney play during this or any other event.

    Game 1)

    150 + 15 + 40 + 150 = 355

    Game 2)

    300 + 30 + 300 = 630

    Game 3)

    300 + 30 + 300 = 630

    355 + 630 + 630 = $1615 This is required BR to cover all potential play cost including rebuys and not recognizing any placing which pays money back.

    Personally I would rather see two 150$ buy in games and one higher buy in around $500. This would open the door a bit to new players. I think a 300$ entry fee is high enough to scare away some new players.
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    while the individual games aren't out of line with others I have entered - at $150 to $300 per tourney, and rebuys at 1/2 price - when you add up the potential costs over three tourneys, with max rebuys, and if you don't win anything, and factor in travel and hotel and food, and?, then its a $2,000 weekend - which may be quite a bit for some players

    thing is you aren't required to play all the tourneys - maybe some might just want to play the $150 then just hang around and enjoy the people and watching the play? and the tournament structure gives you a shot at getting in a lot of tables/play - even if you don't do well

    also - remember that with the TBJPA set up - multiple advance and paying off for a semi-final finish - you have a pretty good chance of getting to the money somewhere in the three tourneys - and - with the quality of play - it is a great learning experience - nothing sharpens your game up like sitting down at a table and finding both Ken Smith and S.Yama there:eek:

    and if you think you can't luck out and get to the money - keep in mind that both Barney and I made final tables in May - so anyone can do it:)
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    One thing eliburk might consider is playing the Avi mini on Thursday night and the $150 game at River Palms on Friday.......
  7. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    Avi is a nice mini - very cheap $10/$5 buyins and rebuys - $1200 prize pool - well run - and the $150 TBJPA will get you at the tables with the same players as the $300 tourneys

    I won't be able to make the Friday tourney - but will be there for Sat and Sun ones
  8. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member

    Right On

    Finally, please start reading some of my post people. RK is right on the button with the cost of everything. I mean, you guys that are coming from different states and countries must be millionaires or something. For you to have $10,000 for an entrance such as the one in August in Laughlin must be loaded with cash. I sure would like to know if any of you are CEO's or CFO's of any of the prospective Fortune 500 companies that exist in the stock market. I need some of that loot. In addition, you haven't added in the cost of the room, travel(car), food, entertainment, etc....I mean, when are some of you people going to get through your heads that there are modern day working people as myself that feels they are excellent elimination tournament players, however, family commitments, job commitments, and other obligations just interfere with all of these tournaments. There's more to life than just expensive blackjack tournaments.

    Don't get me wrong, I love the game with a passion. So much, that I am on Ubt almost every single day for about two or three hours at a time and do very well. It's just when I see these astronomical fees, it really does saddens my heart. You thought baccarat was a rich man's game. Try entering some of these blackjack tournaments and make the comparison. I don't mean to sound bad or anything in any of these forums people. I respect all of you so much and love your dialogue. However, I'm entitled to my opinion. Many of the people I see on tv just frustrates me as well too. Many of them are older and don't bring any excitement to the tables. I might not agree with Hollywood Daves' antics and charades, however, I do applaud him for being one thing: Young. He looks to be in his thirties as I am and that's great with me. We need younger players to light the fire in some of these tournaments. Oh, I'm going off on a tangent now. Remember, in my eyes, we don't have to be friends, but we all can share one common aspect: We all love this game of blackjack in it's greatest form. God bless you all.
  9. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    Well, I am NOT going into the $10,000 tournament. :laugh:

    But for me I can make a weekend of it for the first time. Since I live in Tucson (reasonable commute) it is a lot better than the expense of going to Vegas even with comped rooms and cheap air.
    I thought the Venetian would be a little too rich to go to for the first time. But yes even $2,000 would not be something I would do once a month - unless I won at least half back.

    Anyway, I am looking forward to meeting and watching live people for once.

    Thanks for the comments everyone.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    All Welcome

    Eliburk, please do come to Laughlin for the August TBJPA/TBT events. I think you'll have a good time and meet alot of very nice players.

    Everyone there is more then glad to help with any questions you may have.

    The TBJPA events also payout the semifinalist, so even if you come up just short on of making one of the final tables, you can recoup a little money back.

    If you can make it in for the Thursday satellite events you will have a chance to win your entry into the weekend events at a lower entry.

    Hope you can make it, looking forward to meeting you.
  11. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    I am planning on it.

    Also, would love to watch the $10,000 tournament - how is that going with entries?
    (Just saw your other post - will look for news on that next week)

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