Laughlin Pictures

Discussion in 'Tournament Blackjack Players Association' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 27, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here is Henry presenting Lew with 1st place in the TBJPA event.

    Here is Henry receiving his plaque from me for the Saturday TBT event.

    Here is Larry receiving his plaque from me for the Sunday TBT event.

    From left to right: Sam, Randy and Mikki playing.

    From Left to right: Janna (Iron Horse), Steve (Tulsa), and Chuck playing.

    From left to right: Robert, Randy, Bob, and Norm playing.

    From left to right: Tammie, Chuck, Larry using the "Surrender Card", and Henry playing.
  2. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Thanks For The Pics Tex -always Good To See What I Have Missed:d :d
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Same here!
    It's great to be able to put faces with names, not to mention a little bit of living vicariously by seeing those photos. MORE! :p

  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Do you want to see the pool party photos they took AFTER the BJT? :laugh:
  5. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member

    Pool Party

    Let's see the pool pictures. :)
  6. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Da Pool

    Last time I looked the pool at RP is open 6a-midnight...unlike Vegas. Do they cocktail out there or do they serve from the shower house?

    Just don't fall into the fast flowing river wandering around the grounds. They fish out the drowned Californians way down stream by the Avi bridge.
  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Laughlin winners in "All In" magazine?

    I was just asked to send in pictures of the winners from the August TBJPA/TBT Laughlin events at the River Palms, to "All In" Magazine.

    Hopefully Lew, Henry, and Larry will all be pictured in an up coming issue of "All In".

    *Please note: The TBJPA dosen't release names or picture of players without their written release. We respect our members privacy.
  8. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    good news

    That Is Great Tex
    Some Free Advertising And Get The Word Out
    Good Job:d :d
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Any advertisement is good...

    Thanks Maxwell, but I can't take credit, they contacted me. All I did was sent them the pictures and hope they get in an upcoming issue.
  10. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Yes You Can Take Credit Because They Called So Therefore They Noticed :d :d
  11. bobh4545

    bobh4545 New Member

    Viva laughlin

    Any one know when the "viva Laughlin" tv series will start airing?
  12. RetGI

    RetGI New Member

    Maybe Never

    Last I heard it has been axed before it even starts. Thought I read that the other day in the newspaper.. but I could be wrong.. but don't think so. :eek:

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