Leftnut Winstar show aired last night...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jul 14, 2008.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here is a play by play of Brian's hands vs dealer and when possible where he stood.

    Brian's hand........................Dealer's hand

    1. Q, 8---------------------- 9 up - bust - WON
    2. 2, Q, --------------------- 6 " - bust - WON
    3. 2, Q, 10 - bust ---------- 7 " - 17 - LOST
    4. 2, J, ---------------------- 4 " - 17 - LOST - BR6 going into hand 5.
    5. A, K - BJ ----------------- Q " - bust - WON
    6. A, A, split A-6, A-A ------ 2 " - bust - WON both
    7. A, J, - BJ ----------------- 8 " - 17 - WON
    8. 7, 7, split 7-5, 7-2-J ----- 3 " - 19 - LOST-PUSH
    9. A, J, - BJ ----------------- 10 " - 18 - WON - Brian up to BR2 at the start of hand 10.
    10. A, J, - BJ ---------------- 9 " - 17 - WON
    11. 5, A, 5, ------------------ K " - 20 - WON
    12. J, J, ---------------------- 6 " - 19 - WON
    13. Q, K, --------------------- 3 " - bust - WON
    14. 4, J, A, K, - bust --------- 9 " - bust - LOST
    15. 7, K, ---------------------- J " - bust - WON
    16. 8, Q, ---------------------- 6 " - 17 - WON
    17. 8, 7, ---------------------- 2 " - 19 - LOST
    18. J, J, ----------------------- A " - BJ - LOST - Brian now BR1, by $25 going into hand 19.
    19. 5, 7, ---------------------- 4 " - 18 - LOST - Brian down to BR2, behind by $75 to Helen.
    20. 9, K, ---------------------- 9 " - 10 - PUSH - Brian regains the lead and now BR1 by $325 going into the last hand.
    21. 10, 4, 5, ------------------ 8 " - 17 - WON

    Brian having to bet in front of Helen bet $300 then Helen only bet $400. Howie (BR3) had a total of $750 and keep back $25, once all three won Brian took down 1st place, Howie 2nd, and Helen 3rd.

    Some of the Great comments by the annoucers were:

    1. "Brian and Helen are basicly tied, Brian is only up by about $600 over Helen! (they only started with $1,000 in chip)."
    2. When talking about a player late in the game and needing to make a move he received 4, 4, vs dealers 3 and the comment was "What is he suppose to do with that, split it?"
    3. "What he needs is a 17 card!"
    4. On the last hand, Brian has a 14 vs. dealers 8, their comment was "Brian should DD for less, his hand doesn't matter, he just needs Helen to lose!"
  2. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member


    So Rick I guess that means my copy of the show is in the mail since I couldn't be there for it and I can't get the TV stations its playing on here. I'll be watching my mail box :laugh:
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Funny how the memory plays tricks on you in such a situation as a final table like that.
    I thought I stole the lead with that insane string of BJ's and never let it go. Guess I was wrong, eh? :laugh:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Leftnut I was there and thought the same thing, but either we were both wrong or the announcers and stats shown were wrong.

    From all the e-mails and PM's I've received today from other players watching your final table, they seem to think both of us are correct as well.

    I had forgot I wrote down the totals at the count and went back to check them and you were ahead at the count, yet that is not what they show on the stats from last night.

    I love the fact Winstar is hosting and airing this tournament on TV, but I think they need some help with the production.

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