LeftNut1 is BANNED!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by LeftNut, Aug 26, 2007.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Perhaps we need some levity here after the past week's postings. I just got an email from UB claiming that my Bet21 name of LeftNut1 is rude, and that I must choose a new name. Now, perhaps the guy behind the name is rude (and that's probably quite true after a few beers), but the name????? :laugh:
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Maybe I'dGiveMy is available.:D
  3. tgun

    tgun Member


    Good one Ken. I was thinking maybe "leftnut&bolt" or "leftpeanut" might be safe.

  4. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    New Name...

    How about "Mr. Nuts and BOLT"? lol

  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Heh heh heh - good suggestions all - was also thinking about "LeftStone" or "OneStone", see if that offends anybody :D

    I've exchanged a few emails with UB about this, can understand some of the comments I've read here in past months about their customer service. Pointed out that LeftNut has been on UBT site for almost a year, nobody said anything. All I get back is a form letter thanking me for reporting this violation of "our code of conduct".... huh? :laugh:
  6. Frank656

    Frank656 New Member

    Try this one !!!!!!

    Seeing most of you here are sorta at the Central and or Western U.S., why not a nom-de-plumeof ----"Leftcoastnut"... almost a true metaphor.... Will there be a baptism to your new name...I'll send a card with a few Blackjacks in for a rainy day.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey how about the Spanish Version:

    tuerca izquierda :cool:
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Another offensive post

    Speaking of OFFENSIVE posts. I mean look at the THREAD in the announcement section:

    When YOU'RE HOT you're HOT

    Talk about provocative!

    I mean what do you expect with a title like that?

    I found it very .....interesting...

    I clicked on that thread expecting to find a

    ....well you know....

    ....a HOT picture.......

    .......maybe something like ...............


    Attached Files:

  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    On a friend's suggestion, I spent 10 minutes poking thru UB / Bet21's ongiong games.
    Apparently these names are acceptable! :laugh:

    Tits Or Us

    And the big winner:
  10. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    I remember there was YuckFou. So maybe you could use NeftLut.
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Same friend who suggested that I "surf" for other names also suggested a new name.
    Since LeftNut1 got banned, his idea was 1NutLeft. Uhhhhhhh, don't think so!!
  12. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Down One

    I had a friend who had a virus in while high school. I didn't meet him until at the Big U. His self given name was "Uno".

    So Leftnut are you a Spartan or a Wolverine rooter? It seems that the old Big Ten saying for nine (10?) of the member schools "MuckFichigan" could work after yesterdays college football results.
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    "Uno", huh? "MuckFichigan?" Not bad, not bad at all......... :D

    A group of us loaded up a bowling team with the best 5 guys in the area (I was anchorman) for the purpose of terrorizing tournaments. The team name was Nine Nuts. Nobody - and I mean nobody - ever figured that one out on their own.

    I'm not a sports fan at all. Anti-sports, actually. As an Ann Arbor native, I grew up to despise Michigan football because of the effects that Game Day had on my hometown. Over 100,000 maniacs coming in who all thought that a football game was the most important event on the planet that day. Sheesh. Deb feels likewise. Our private glee at the Almighty "M" losing what was intended to be a defacto exhibition game is boundless.

    OEJ, I like the general idea of your suggestion very much. I'll roll that one around for a bit and see what I come up with. "Nuts2Michigan", perhaps.... :laugh:

    Last edited: Sep 3, 2007
  14. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member


    Or a west coast name......FUCLA...????maybe a USC fan?
  15. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I love all these suggestions. Isn't it interesting how folks are posting humorous answers to a humorous posting here, yet at another site the same post drew such hostile responses? :confused:

    By the way, as I type this, Deb is in a Bet21 sit-n-go. One of her opponents is Kingshit1980.
    Leftnut1 is obscene, but...... :laugh:
  16. Freeloader

    Freeloader New Member

    Just chiming in to say that, having just spent four years at the University of lllinois, I probably saw several hundred, if not several thousand, of the orange "MUCK FICHIGAN" shirts around campus. It's strange that week keep trying to tell ourselves we have a rivalry with Michigan...I mean, Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Purdue are all good candidates, but we can't seem to get together to hate one school.

    Then again, considering our Big Ten football record was 2-30 in those four years, we probably don't deserve one.

    Back to your regularly scheduled rant about which almond is on which side of the other one. :p
  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Rant? Nahhhhhhh, not even close. Too much humor in the situation to rant. :D

    Never heard of or saw a MuckFichigan shirt, I'd have gotten at least two!
    One to wear into a local sports bar on a Saturday afternoon, and one to keep in the car as a spare for the inevitable time when the first one got ripped from one end to the other.
  18. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    How about ...

    "Not To beat a dead horse but wheres my freakin promised bonus you crooks" for a name??? A little long but ...;-)

    Criminals that have a morals alais name issue....aint that something...lol
  19. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  20. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member


    I don't think I mentioned what Big U. I served my time? But it was in Champaign-Urbana. You are a grad with only four years in town? Con Grads...it doesn't happen often. I belong to the Illini class of infinity (north of Green St. Division).

    Back in the olden' days the Big Ten had a rule that the season had to open with a Big Ten opponent. A silly conference rule like, "we only do the Rose Bowl".

    My main sitting in the stands time was in the 1970's...plenty of room way up there in the East Balcony, section "OO", at Memorial Stadium. One year the Illini opened with the Wolverives. The cool shirt back then was a Maize and Blue shirt proclaiming the Date and Wolverines 0-1-0.

    Back in those olden days ties counted.

    But we then got Mo...Gary Moeller as a coach for 1978 and 1979 seasons. He was Bo's assistant for years. The hype was up for the 1978 home opener against Northwestern.

    Final Score:

    Northwestern 0
    Fighting Illini 0

    Go look it up.

    Finally in 1980 a football coach showed up and a new Athletic Director Neil Stoner. Mike White was the new head coach...who was a Bill Walsh disciple. He brought in a couple of Junior College transfers as Q-Backs. They didn't do that in the Big Ten back then. Recruits were freshman.

    Dave Wilson (drafted by the Saints) got the nod over Tony Eason (Super Bowl QB drafted by the Patriots, lost to Da' Bears) opened the season with an incomplete 60 yard pass at Memorial Stadium. I believe he over threw Mike Martin, number 4 jersey? Have you ever heard of a minute long standing ovation for an incomplete pass? It happened this day.

    Later that year the Illini went to Columbus to play the Buckeyes. The Illini spotted the home team 14 points and then traded touchdowns the rest of the game. A new passing yardage mark was set for I-A football, 621 yards by the Illini. Final score 49-42...Buckeyes.

    Go look it up.

    So current Illini fans have hope.

    Enough of the Thread Hi-Jack.

    Last edited: Sep 5, 2007

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