Legal situation update

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Oct 6, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    • Bush has set the date when he'll sign the bill, Oct 13th. Until then, ads are back at, under the "Make hay while the sun shines" theory.:)
    • Some interesting details of legal interpretation are coming to light. Here's one:
    • Tempers have flared here and elsewhere, and we've had a lot of political posts. Some people love it, some people hate it, and I expect a fair number are just ignoring it. For now, let's try to get back to blackjack. But, when circumstances dictate, rest assured that relevant political discussion here is appropriate.
  2. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    On the lighter side

    Cajun logic sells insurance...

    Boudreaux's first military assignment was to a military induction
    center, and, because he was a good talker, they assigned him the duty
    of advising new recruits about the government benefits; especially
    the different GI insurance to which they were entitled.

    Before long the Captain in charge of the induction center began
    noticing that Boudreaux was getting a 99% sign up for the top GI
    insurance. This was odd, because it would cost these poor
    inductees nearly $30.00 per month more for higher coverage
    than what the government was already granting.

    The Captain decided that rather than ask Boudreaux about his selling
    techniques, he would sit in the back of the room and observe
    Boudreaux's sales pitch.

    Boudreaux stood up before his latest group of inductees and says, "If
    you have da normal GI insurance and go to Iraq and get killed; da
    government pays your family $6,000. If you take out da supplemental
    GI insurance (which cost you only $30.00 a month); the government
    has to pay your family $200,000.

    "NOW," Boudreaux concluded, "Which bunch do you think dey gonna send to Iraq first?"
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

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