Legends of Blackjack

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 1, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    A new e-book "The Legends of Blackjack" will be coming out sometime next month co written by two BJT.com members, Kevin Blackwood and Larry Barker (aka Dr. Bass).

    Knowing both these men and how good of writers they are I expect it to be a very good and interesting read.

    Ken you can go ahead and reserve my copy now.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I got an advance review copy, and found this book to be an excellent read. That's not surprising given the excellent team of Kevin Blackwood (BJT User KevinBlackwood) and Larry Barker (BJT User DrBass).

    I was familiar with some of the people profiled, but in every case I learned something new about them. In a few cases, I recognized the name and remembered meeting someone, but didn't know the story behind the name until reading it here. In one case, I read almost an entire chapter before realizing the subject was a very friendly fellow that I sat next to at a Blackjack Ball a few years back!

    Anyway, this is highly recommended. At $14.95 you can't go wrong.
    See a list of the interview subjects and more about the book here:
  3. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    Looks like a fun read.

    I thought Ken Uston was the most famous legend. Do you know if he is omitted because he was covered enough in the past, or another reason?
  4. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Good question Zweeky

    First, Thanks Ken for the nice review. Hope our members enjoy the Legends Book.

    Zweeky, there were several reasons that a chapter was not devoted to Uston. It was a judgment call. You are right, however, that he has been covered a lot in the past. If you read the book, you will see numerous reference to Uston - and how he interacted with and influenced many of the "Legends." He gets a lot of print space - even without a chapter devoted exclusively to him.

    Hope you enjoy the book!

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