Let's Talk About This - OK?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by fgk42, Jan 11, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Lou 714

    You ask several questions – lets start with question #1 – is it just a coincidence that it seems like anyone that has any association with UBT or Bet21 is always under attack here?

    That would imply a collusion of sorts. Is it possible? ABSOULTELY! However if you look further some of the attacks were not in fact attacks – merely people asking good questions. Unfortunately others smelled blood in the water and went to town. Fur started flying and viola.

    The current thread about Hollywood was just an article about something that happed to Dave while he was in Vegas. I was having a little fun with him about the incident. Was it a personal attack – no! Did some people construe it as such – yes. For that I apologize and will leave the smack between me and Dave to his website in the future. It was not my intention to run Hollywood, or anyone else for that matter, off this site.

    S. Yama – last post September 2006
    A. Curtis – last post February 2005
    K. Einiger – not listed in members incorrect. 33 posts last on Aug 26, 2006
    J. Pane – last post November 2006
    M. Castellano – not listed in members

    As far at the “OLD GANG” I’m confused. Of the five (5) names you mentioned, two (2) of them aren’t even listed in the membership roster. A. Curtis posted a total of 11 (eleven) with the last being in February 2005.

    With regard to S. Yama and J. Pane – The last post by S. Yama was September 2006 and Joe’s last post was November 2006. Are their contributions missed? I miss reading their posts and ideas. Do I lament their “passing” on additional contribution to this website? No, I’ve gotten over it.

    There are many members here who DO contribute. Strategy, information, techniques and frequent updates come from regular contributors. I would name members but I don’t want to exclude anyone. Suffice it to say that I for one, would welcome your posts also.

    Why do people “lurk” in the shadows all the time without contributing? Why must you continually be spoon feed? How about contributing to the collective knowledge pool yourself? Why not jump in on the discussion about different strategies? When I recently posted a question about betting on a last hand where was YOUR response? There is no right or wrong and this community can only get better on the contributions of its members.

    On the recent UBT Legends show, which I just recently watched last week – congratulations Kenny E – how did you feel about his surrender on the last hand? Some members feel that Kenny did the “wrong move” – BUT he won! I for one would LOVE for Kenny E to post his reasoning and rationale for the surrender on that hand.

    Some people, maybe even you, feel that people like myself – a newbie to the world of TBJ, should shut my mouth and fall in line. Some people have told me that I’m NOT as funny as I think (imagine that!) and that I should keep the “kidding and joking stuff” to myself. That’s their opinion. Have I gone overboard sometimes? YES. I try to achieve a balance between questions, observations, announcements and yes humor.

    Would I like to see the “OLD GANG” return to this board? Darn Right! Would I like to see more of the pro’s contribute? Darn Right! Would I like to see a monthly article posted here discussing a specific topic related to TBJ? Darn Right! Would I like to see Toolman finally play on online TBJ game! Darn Right! :joker:

    The only way it’s gonna happen is for people, like you and me, to make a difference. When the lurkers of this world decide to get off their butts, stop lurking and start contributing. So what’s it gonna be Lou 714? The balls in your court…….
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2007

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