Live From The WSOB

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Mar 1, 2006.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    This weeks show will be done live as always but it will take place right from the WSOB set.Thanks to GSN and its staff we will broadcast the show from the Las Vegas Hilton where the WSOB 2006 is being filmed.Many guest will be available to stop by and say hello and give us their inside look on the WSOB 2006.So don't forget to stop by yourself and hear all about it live from Las Vegas and backstage at the WSOB 2006.

    here are two different link's to the show

  2. david matthews

    david matthews New Member

    Anyone got a link to an archive of the show?
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Same Here

    I tried to record the show but it failed again. Any chance of Ken putting the show on here like he did last week.
  4. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member



    What were some highlights from last night?

    Sidekick :p
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Live at the WSOB

    The show last night was basicly some interviews with a few of the players, and PR man for GSN live at the LV Hilton. They had a few phone calls from Max Rubin (who is doing better by the way) and Bradley Peterson.

    No results were given nor a list of the players for this years show.

    I don't think Ken Smith will be able to put up a link this week, I believe he is out of town this week. The show will repete tomorrow (Sat.) and you can catch it then.
  6. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    kenny is too busy getting ready for the final table at the wsob 3

    my hunch :D
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Re Broadcast

    Thanks to all who listened in last night .The show will re-air on late Saturday night early Sunday morning at 1 am Pacific Time Sunday .That would make it at 4 am Eastern Time, and I believe 10 AM on Sunday morning in Europe for our European audience.

    We were asked by GSN not to reveal results but we did have 5 of the players from the WSOB 2006 on the air .The players are not a secret but the results are and for good reasons.Why would you watch something that you might know the results of.

    Trust me on this the 7 shows that I have seen taped are exciting and will make for good TV.The only one that I missed was while we were doing the show and GSN was filming show # 7.Its bigger and better than last year you wont be disappointed.
  8. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Why would knowing the results affect the viewing? Everyone knows the results of WPT and WSOP poker tourneys and they are still a big draw.
  9. Also

    So are the repeat performances of those same shows.
  10. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The difference is $10,000 to $25,000

    The WSOP and the WPT charge an entry fee of $10,000 up to $25,000. WSOB doesn't charge any entry fee so if they don't want the results disclosed I guess it not that bad of a deal.

    The way I look at it if WSOB, UBT, or any other blackjack tour that offers us a free shot at BIG BUCKS and all they ask in return is not to say anything then I can live with that for a few months.

    Now if anyone wants to post the results I'll read about them, but whoever does I'm pretty sure won't ever get an invite on any future shows.
  11. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    No one cares

    Why can’t we have an archive link to the radio show on here or on Ken Einiger’s site (Ken Smith had last week’s show)?
    What is it with KLAV do they expect that you have to listen to it live every week. Ken Einiger still only has the first 3 shows on his site. Why?
    You would think that KLAV would put the show out everywhere that they can to attract more listeners and advertising.
    I love the show and so would the many other European players on here but they will never get to hear it.
    I’m getting sick of pissing around every Thursday trying to record this damn show or staying up until 3 am in the morning to listen to it.
    Ps If anyone recorded last weeks show send it to me on and I will pass it on to others on here who missed it.
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    We Hear You

    Andy we hear you !!.Kenny and I over dinner last night had this very same conversation that we need to be more pro active and make sure that the show if not heard live is available to be heard at a later time.We can not depend on KLAV to make it available at different times via the re-broadcast ,which by the way is now at 1 am Pacific Time on Sunday mornings.

    So give Kenny and I a little time and all the shows from week 4 and on will be available for you to listen to . Kenny Smith was gracious enough to provide everyone with the Feb 23 show the following day here on this site.Kenny and I thank him for that

    No excuses here ,but the last couple of months for Kenny and I have been real busy with multiple TV shows and traveling.We are committed to getting this done . We appreciate that fact that we have a lot of people who listen in and our goal is to bring all of you the best radio show that's dedicated to the blackjack tournaments community along with covering other important gaming news and current tournament info for land based casino ,TV show Tournaments, and the pending explosion for playing tournament blackjack on line.Stayed tuned in, 2006 is the year that it all happens.
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2006
  13. esposo

    esposo New Member

    Max doing better


    What happened with/to Max Rubin?
  14. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Max Rubin

    Max is just fine,
    It was somewhat of a false alarm
    An eye opener none the less

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