Live UBT Tourneys

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by Den81, Jan 5, 2008.

  1. Den81

    Den81 New Member

    Can anyone advise whether there are any surviving live elimination BJ tourneys still going? I'm in Vegas next week and was hoping to catch a tourney or two.

  2. LVA8412

    LVA8412 New Member

    The only person who remotley knows that answer that participates in any online forum is Joe Pane. Post your message on the ubt thraed at the lva forum. You'll only get an answer, tho, if in fact there are any ubt tournaments going on. If not, he'll probably ignore your question, since he thinks it will be bad pr for the ubt to say so. Honesty isnt always the best policy with that rep -- the only public one -- from the ubt.

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