Local blackjack qualifiers, maybe?

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 19, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Well I posted about a local gentleman club here in Dallas that wanted to host some UBT satellite events, but got cancelled for whatever reason.

    Well it looks like I'll have some good news to report tomorrow. The club contacted me about my blackjack tournaments, and it looks like players will be able to play for all expenses and entry fees to either the TBJPA events in Laughlin in May or the blackjack cruise in July and with any luck both of them.

    This is just one of many locations I am trying to get started to host "FREE" satellite events for these tournaments.

    That is correct, 100% free, no cover, no entry, no nothing, just come show up and play. How is that for positive EV and a little extra for the guy's, they have some very attractive women at this one location (not that any of you wound be looking anyway...LOL).

    I'll post tomorrow on what trip or trips they will be giving away. The tournaments start next Wed. night.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Let me get this straight, you come to the “Gentleman’s Club” for free….

    You get to play in a TBJ with no entry fee for free…….

    The prizes could be TBJPA dues and entries to Laughlin for free………

    And all you gotta do is keep your eyes on the cards and not the surroundings :yikes:

    So for example if I was playing and BR2 on the last hand, could I pay one of the entertainers to do a lap dance for BR1 BEFORE they bet?

    All fair in love and BJ right? :cool:
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Fgk you are correct that it is all for free, but you may have come up with a new strategy for winning...LOL

    Funny, but I can think of several players who may not mined losing in that situation...LOL
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Playing strategies


    Hmm I can foresee some problems with that format. I mean for players like myself who like to talk out loud especially.

    I mean what happens if I ask the dealer certain cards?

    How about if I say, “Hey dealer give me a pair of 9’s or a pair of 10’s”

    Might this happen?

    Or what if I said I wanted to split ‘em?

    How about that?

    Maybe you’re on to something – contact BJT! :laugh: Come on baby hit me! :eek:

    Attached Files:

  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Sick puppy...

    Damn fgk, I am now going to have to put up a disclaimer that the TBJPA has nothing to do with these events and that the only connection between the club and the TBJPA is that the club is sending players to TBJPA sancationed events...LOL

    Just to be safe I might stop by to make sure there are no problems during the tournaments and be there to answer any questions.

    Work, work work, it never ends...LOL
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Sick Puppy?

    You have NO idea..............:joker:

    Attached Files:

  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Don't you mean TBJPA sexctioned events :laugh: :p :laugh:
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Pretty good

    I have to give you a point for that one Toolman, that was pretty good...LOL

    Swog has offered to help go with me next Wed. night to checkout the tournament. Funny I normally can't get him to go to to many of my events, gee I wonder why now....LOL

    I did find out somemore information on the tournaments. They will run 6 tables with 7 players per table. The hands will be rotated and they will play 40 hands per table, (I wasn't told what the starting bankroll or minimum/maximum bets will be).

    The winner from each table will comeback in six weeks for the semifinals and finals, again with only the winners advancing to the finals and then the winner will receive a check for whatever the cost for the event they decide to give away, (it will include travel, food, hotel, and all entry fees).

    It may not be the greatest format, but for free you can't beat the EV.
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Done Deal.....

    Well starting next Wed. night at 7:00 pm a local club in Dallas, TX will be hosting "FREE BLACKJACK TOURNAMENTS" with the winner receiving a trip, all expenses, and entry fee's into real blackjack tournaments (as of now it looks like the blackjack cruise tournaments on July 14th).

    I can't name the location until after their last promotion is over tomorrow night.
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Who Shot JR ?

    Would it be the Silver City Cabaret in Dallas at 7501 N Stemmons Fwy? They were considering holding a tournament for a UBT main event seat.

    I believe UBT nixed the idea for legal issues

    Was that were JR was shot? :laugh:

  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    No comment on the name...

    As I said in my last post, I am not at liberty to say the club's name.

    I can say I am 100% certain that there are NO legal issues affecting these tournaments.

    I am not running these particular events, but I do run these type of events for a living here in Texas with the local law enforcement and TABC in attendance at most of them (at my request) and as I said they are 100% legal.

    I was looking forward to playing in the UBT qualifiers, but since they don't want to be involved in offering free qualifiers for their tournaments, I will be more than glad to offer the players free qualifiers for my blackjack cruise tournaments at the club.
    Last edited: Feb 20, 2007
  12. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Get Out Of Jail Free card

    It has nothing to do with UBT not wanting to be involved in offering free qualifiers for their Main Events. The more players attending UBT or for that matter any tournament events are a good thing. It has all to do with their concern about players going to this scheduled event and possibly winding up in the Pokie for the night.The UBT will not put their supporters at this risk no matter how small of a chance that it might actually happen. Even your 100% guarantee is not enough for me.You do remember what happened a few years back when you were going to hold tournaments in Texas and were returning 100% of the money.They were declared ILLEGAL and shut down by the local Police Dept and a lot of people lost their money, with their airline tickets.

    Actually you were going to see if you could get their money back for them on that issue .Was that ever resolved? I have been asked that question by some people and I never did know how to answer that.

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2007
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joep's back...LOL

    Oh Joep, why so negitive? We are all trying to be positive and promote BJ tournaments.

    1. First, after I posted that I couldn't post the clubs name until after their final promotion tomorrow night, you not only posted a club (I'm not saying it is or isn't the club), but their address as well. That wasn't cool. There is no hiding the fact you did that, I just wonder why?

    2. The club has been doing these cash tournament with the knowledge of the DA's office for over two years now with no problems. Why when I mention something about these events would they become illegal. All I can suggest is whoever is checking these events out for the UBT do a lot better job (if indeed that was the case).

    3. You stated that one of my events was shut down by the police, that is not true, I have never had one of my events shut down by any law enforcement agency, (but then you knew that already). And as a ex-policeman you should know the law.

    4. You asked about "ALL" the people that lost money. The two players I know of who are out $100 each from canceling their airline tickets are still waiting for the breech of contract I have against the hotel before they can recoup their money.
  14. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Just The Facts Mam Nothing But The Facts

    Rick please don't spin my words,all I was trying to do was find out if the same club that was going to hold the UBT qualifiers was the one you were using ,you could have just said no its not the club.You see sometimes I"m as curious as you are, when you allegedly ask questions that other people have asked you,and you come on here probing for answers to their questions or the other times when you say you just heard a UBT rumor that you would like verified.

    Tell us were you being positive and promoting all tournaments when you posted over at lasvegasadvisor.com that Bet 21 25,000 Guarantee tournament on Saturday night might be the last tournament bet 21 holds? As you posted a false story about our government is only days away from making any and all bets on the INTERNET illegal.Even though you knew that was a false story you posted it anyway.Is this your sick way of putting a positive spin on things.Considering the current atmosphere of the on-line gaming situation that was not a good thing to post especially when you were aware that it was FALSE

    3. You stated that one of my events was shut down by the police, that is not true, I have never had one of my events shut down by any law enforcement agency, (but then you knew that already). And as a ex-policeman you should know the law.

    I don't know Texas law but I do know that your Tournament was shut down by some arm of the Texas legal system,be it the DA or Attorney General Office it was shut down and the host hotel canceled all the players reservations.

    4. You asked about "ALL" the people that lost money. The two players I know of who are out $100 each from canceling their airline tickets are still waiting for the breech of contract I have against the hotel before they can recoup their money.[/quote]

    Is the court system that backed up in Texas that a lawsuit that is close to 6 years old has never come before a judge?
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Fact's Joep, not fiction...

    Joey, Joey, Joey... I'm not getting into a pissing match with you your third day back on the site.

    Now I'll answer your last post, but it will be the last reply from me to you on this thread. I have never been kicked off BJT.com and I would like to keep it that way, plus the other members don't want to read this.

    Okay here goes,

    First of all there was no spinning your words, you weren't trying to ask a question about the club, you were trying to be cute and you ended up with egg on your face.

    Next, I didn't feel I was being positive or negative, I just posted a link over at LVA that Wildwoods had posted here reguarding internet gambling. My comments (as can be checked out at LVA) about the Bet21.com $25,000 event this Sat. was:

    "This is a great deal, but it will probally be my last online tournament after reading the following report.

    Checkout the link:


    The US goverment is about to make ANY bets over the internet illegal next week, possibly as early as the end of this week!"

    And after reading it was false (as posted by fgk) I cameback with the following statement:

    Damn, I thought it was real...LOL.

    I was ready to pack it up for online tournaments. I'll be there on Sat. if not before, just hope I stay around longer than on the last $25,000 event.

    Now as far as my events being shut down by some type of law enforcement, DA, or AG's office. Your are wrong and I would love to see any evidence you have to prove otherwise (as I am sure the members would also).

    For someone that just won a slander suit I would think you should know better than to spread rumors.

    Last I don't know the statis of the law suit about the canceled tournaments, all I know is I was out a lot of money and I am still. I turned everything over to an attorney to handle.

    Quick recap for the BJT.com members:

    Several years back I was going to hold some BJ tournaments in Ft. Worth, Texas. Everything was approved before hand, Cheif Ralph Mendoza of the police didn't like them, but I wasn't breaking any laws.
    So he sent a policeman over to the hotel where the tournaments were to be held and scared them into canceling the events a week before they were to be held, by telling them they could lose their liquire licence (which isn't their ruling anyway, that TABC ruling).
  16. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Tex, in all fairness, are we REALLY to believe that you thought the article was real? I mean, the last line of the second paragraph alone, should have been a tipoff for you....."anyone convicted of gambling online could face the death penalty". Did you really think online gaming could become a capitol punishment offense?
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I didn't read it all...

    I read the first few lines and got sick and didn't read the rest, it was posted on this site and I thought it was real.

    But I have a question for you, why is it you only seem to post either as Elyssez or ********** when it has something to do with Joep?

    MMMmmmm, just something to think about.
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 21, 2007
  18. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    TX, I just stated an obvious question.

    Much like other members' here on the site, I choose when, where and what I post. And much like other members, If I choose to use an alias....for whatever reason....that is my perrogative. You know as well as I do, it's a general rule in our community never to reveal a posters identity online. It's a rule I respect, and In fact, it's something Ken Smith posted about last year. I'm sure you would never reveal, say, Chipsmccoy or S.Yama online. So what do you achieve from outed me other then salacious slander?
  19. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Here we go again

    Why is it the two of you have to start discrediting one another again....do it by PM, please, It is SO DISTATEFUL and shallow. I think that most of the BJT.com posters would prefer not to share in airing of dirty laundry. And...it seems to me, from reading the previous posts, Alyssyse, ********* is always right in the middle stirring the pot...keeping the brew hot and boiling. Just my observations...

    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 22, 2007
  20. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    i agree

    I Agree:( :(

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