
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, May 26, 2005.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I posed this question to over 200 people that I have on my e-mail notification list.So if you are not on that list and would like to be, send me a private message with your e-mail address so that I may add you to that list .I do not need to know who you are so dont worry about your identy being revealed,just the e-mail address will do.

    The question was

    Would you mind if the New 2 Million Dollar Tournament was held in a casino in Las Vegas but not on the Strip ?

    Your feedback and response is welcomed

  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Actually Joe, you probably mean to ask if it's OK to be in Las Vegas, but neither on the Strip nor downtown. That is, would an outlying casino be OK.
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Almost correct

    I have 3 irons in the fire. 1 Downtown, 1 off strip, and 1 within 10 miles of the strip.Can't say which casinos they are right now.But it will happen "I HOPE"
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Field of Dreams

    Joe if you build it they will come! I don't care if if is not even in NV. The first casino (almost anywhere) will get the players that offers the players a shot at $2 million.
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Still 1 Million

    Rick just so there is no misunderstanding the first prize will remain at 1 Million dollars.It will be over 2 Million in total prizes.2nd place will pay at least 250,000 .With a full turn out and rebuys 2nd place can pay up to as high as 500,000.Now that some serious money.The Hilton no matter how many players turned out only paid 40,000 for second place and a total of 1.1 Million.The New 2 Million Dollar Tournament can have payouts as high as 2.160 Million dollars just at the final table and semi final tables in the last month.The 2.160 Million is in addition to the monthly prize money which is 690,000.So the total Prize Pool for all 12 months and the Finals can be as high as 2.850 Million Dollars.So there is how the name 2 Million Dollar Tournament came to be.If we can build this like the World Series Of Poker,the format that I have created will have a prize pool of 4 Million dollars at that point I would riase the first prize to 2 Million
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Is that all?

    Hell it is almost not worth messing with, I guess If I'm not buzy I'd still play...LOL.

    Of course we will all be there, what else do we have to play for big prize money except the damm accumulative tournaments in Mississippi. At least they let everyone play in the tournaments down there...LOL.
  7. PhillyPhlash

    PhillyPhlash New Member

    A Likely Attendant

    I'd be very likely to try my luck at another $Million Tournament, especially anywhere in the Greater Las Vegas/Southern Nevada environs. I usually drive to Las Vegas, so the threshold for participation which I must overcome may be lower than most others'.

    Here's a thought . . . just in case Joep doesn't get enough free advice. If Vegas were to fall through . . .consider Reno. Stations just announced plans for a brand-spanking new casino-lots of promotion opportunities? And there's plenty of independent-operators; Atlantis comes to mind.

    Good Luck with the negotiations !
  8. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Off strip, does that mean Green Valley Ranch or maybe Jerry's Nugget?
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Gvr No No

    GVR is not in the mix.If you don't know why you are behind on currrent news events. ;) Check out post GVR sued over not- so- reality TV.Very funny I know you knew that already,but when you dish it out you have to be able to take it. Good job !!! Except Jerry Nugget is not the right Nugget :joker:
    Last edited: May 30, 2005
  10. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Check Raised

    Pokernut as a poker player you know that when you are check raised you are most likely beat.So throw your cards in the muck and fire your mole you information is bad,and you were just checked raised :laugh:
  11. rainha

    rainha New Member

    2 million dollar tournament

    Please add me to your mailing list: potzgerr@yahoo.com

    Don't care where in the Las Vegas area

  12. Mast11

    Mast11 New Member

    Entry Fee / Qualitfying


    I am new at this. Can you tell me when this event takes place, how to qualify, and what the entry fee is?

  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Coming Soon

    This event will take place in Las Vegas the entry fee will be 1,000.There will re buys offered at 500 dollars.There will be 12 monthly qualifers,each month the 16 people who make it to the semi-finals will qualify to play for over 2 million dollars in prize money .So 16 people per month X 12 months =192 + 8 wild cards brings the total to 200.One of 200 people will win 1 Million Dollars the other top 17 players will share in remanider of the 2 Million Dollars .Just by playing in it qualifies you for a wild card entry back into the tournament.The more months you play the more entries you will have, to be one of the 8 wild cards drawn back into the tournament.There are also over 57,000 in monthly prizes that will be won in each of the 12 monthly tournaments.If you would like to be added to the e-mail notification list send me a short note with your name and email address to BJTPRO@cox.net
  14. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Hi Joep. It seems everyone wants to have BJ tourneys as good as the poker events, but until BJ events begin to have low cost satellites and have the prize fund spread further down the ladder making it easier to make money I don't see BJ tourneys gaining very many new players and many of the players are going to poker for these reasons.The small buy-in satellites and TV is what has made poker increase it's player base. Not everyone can afford to or wants to pay a $500-1000 entry fee. Me for one, I'm cheap. For example I am playing in the WSOP in July but I didn't pay $10,500, I entered and won a $30 satellite that paid a WSOP seat +$1500 expense money and with only 124 players, talk about an overlay but online and some B&M casinos do it for the advertising. Very few poker players pay the entry fee most entries come from satellites or sponsors. But yet I can not think of even one online or B&M casino that offers BJ tourney satellites into major events and the only online casino I know that is sponsor BJ tourney players is Global. Why don't they have satellites and more sponsors for BJ? This is what I believe it would take for BJ tourneys to return to the attracting the number of players it had in the 70's and 80's. Maybe you or Rick as a BJ tourney director (he doesn't even have low cost satellites for his events) or any other member could answer this.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Easy to answer

    The marketing for most all casinos SUCK! They don't and won't try anything new until someone else proves to them that it will work.

    This is why I have been working on getting the Cruise tournaments going. If they work I have something to show the casino marketing managers. Even with the new venue we are still shorter then I would like to be for the cruise at this time. If the players that say they want tournaments are not going to support the tournaments we do get for them why should the casinos offer us anything?

    It is not the fault of the casinos (all the time) for not having higher attendence. Some casinos (which I will not name) have cut their own throat by barring players and are now suffering because of doing so though. But there are lot's of tournaments that that have faultered due to lack of support from the players.

    I try to be fair for both parties casinos and tournament players. Just remember this, the tournament players need the casinos to play, the casinos don't need us (tournament players) to stay in business.

    Until we start showing the casinos we will support the tournaments that are offered to us the number and quility of events will keep dropping.

    Perfect example is look how hard it is for us to replace the million dollar tournament. If it was such a great deal for the casinos why wouldn't they be lined up trying to start a new one.
  16. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Good Point's

    Pokernut you make some very good and valid points.You will be happy to hear that all the points that you have made are in my proposed format for the New 2 Million Dollar Tournament.I have a verbal agreement with WWW. Global-Player.com to run satellites to win a seat in the monthly qualifiers instead of paying 1,000 entry.I have laid out a format for the host casino to run 1 & 2 table satellities to win a seat,again this is just like the poker tournaments you have the option to pay your entry fee of 1,000 or play in a satellite either on line or at the host casino.Now to address your point about the prize structure you will be happy to hear that unlike the Hilton's Million Dollar Tournament which was really a winner take all as the difference between first and second was 960,000.The New 2 Million Dolllar Tournament call for 1st place to remain at 1 Million Dollars,Second place will pay up to 500,000 3rd place 250,000 4th 150,000 5th 125,000 6th 50,000 7th 25,000 these projected payouts are based upon 200 players per month with re-buys.There is a complete payout chart in the post Keeping The Million Dollar Tournament Alive.The second chart shows the payout's based upon 150 players per month with re-buys which I believe is a number that will be easy to reach every month.The Hilton was turning away players after they got to 120 players in the last few months .With the right Marketing plan and format, a strong commitment from the host casino this will become the World's Largest Blackjack Tournament ever held.Two years from now no one will even remember that a 1 Million Dollar Tournament was even held at the Hilton.I hope I had something to do about it.If they won't let me play in them anymore I will just put together one that everyone will want to play in and leave all the Las Vegas Tournament & Marketing Directors who refuse to think outside of the box scratching their heads wondering where all the players went.If they only realized that all prize money is from entry fees and not any of their money.Can we really expect them to think that 'DEEP" :joker:
  17. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Joe's on the money

    I agree with Joe, but like I said above the players have to support his efforts to make it work for all of us. I don't expect everyone to play 6 or more times, but we do need all the support that you can give us.

    Joe is busting his butt to make this happen and when it does we all need to be there for him and show the casino that we will support a tournament that large and take all risk away from the casino.
  18. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Satellites At Other Casinos

    Here's another idea. Could there be low-cost satellites at other casinos, especially in other regions of the country? A tournament at a casino in Wisconsin, for example, that earns the champion an invitation to the WSOB would be a good promotion for the casino, and would be good for tournament blackjack by generating interest in the game in the upper midwest. Ho-Chunk runs a lot of tournaments; I'll bet they'd be interested.
  19. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    In the previous post I made a reference to the WSOB, when I meant to refer to the 2M$ tournament. But the principle is the same. Regional tournaments around the country that include as a prize a free invite to the monster tournaments in Vegas would attract players and probably casinos to tournament blackjack.
  20. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Once again

    It was tried several time all ready. Most casinos are not interested in helping make another casinos tournament successful (although it would help them). It falls back to the fact the marketing personal don't have a clue what is going on.

    Your on the right track Monkeysystem, it is just finding casinos to go along with the idea. Don't get me wrong the LV Hilton had a few that offered satellites in Wash., Calif. and I heard of one run at the Fitzgeralds (but not for sure on that one), Even I ran some for them here in Texas.

    Another problem is just because players say they want something doesn't mean they can or will come to it. I saw that problem first hand. Sometimes when it is to convenant the players take it for granted.

    One other thing to think about is blackjack has no "PRO's"! There is not one player that makes their living off of going to (Just) Blackjack tournaments unlike poker where they will have a regular group of 60 - 70 "Pro's" regularly at $10,000 entry per big event. Plus several wantabe's looking for that pot of gold.

    Funny thing is regular players would have a hell of a lot better shot of winning in a blackjack tournament then a poker tournament any day of the week.

    In Poker they even have a name for them "DEAD MONEY"!

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