Looking for a site for online blackjack tournaments

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Chairman, Mar 21, 2011.

  1. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    Im looking for a site where I can play in online blackjack tournaments. I almost joined UB but after reading a thread on this site Im glad I was weary of it. I really dont trust e-gambling and love the games like craps or blackjack(not dealt from a machine) where the working parts are more in the players control. I do know the cheating danger of card mechanic dealers both hand held and from a shoe so spare me the wake up call. I play some poker tournaments online on pureplay, the site ... trying to search for a clean derogatory, at a loss so insert your favorite snipe... I do make a profit over the monthly dues and am way ahead for my 14 months of membership but the site continues to go down hill DO NOT JOIN PUREPLAY. I appreciate any recommendations from any of you for a good fair site where I can get badly beaten by some real expert players while learning the lessons that are hard to learn any other way. Please give the site name, what fees to expect and maybe details of prize ranges etc. Who knows I might even surprise both of us. Please help me find a site I can feel comfortable joining and be happy about having picked 14 months after joining unlike pureplay. Thank you very much.
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Right now there simply aren't any decent choices for the U.S. based BJT player. UB is starting up a nicely attractive series of BJT's in a month or so but if the naysayer posts regarding that site have you unwilling to play there, then you're pretty much out of luck.
  3. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    OK if UB is really the only option, tell me more about how the site works. What does it cost to join, other costs, tournament structure and prizes,what you like and dislike about the site. The thing that most disturbs me is people stealing from accounts. How was this dealt with on an individual basis generally speaking(i know thats an oxymoron). I mean they dont have money sitting around with my name on it. People must have been either getting payouts in my name or transferring funds which I would think any sites security software should make practically impossible unless it was an inside job!!! Doesnt that make it the sites money that was stolen.
  4. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    go to other UB thread

    Go back to the thread "Hollywood Dave to offer new UB tournament Schedule" and trace the posts to find Hollywood's lenghty description of the previous UB scandal. As he said, it involved previous owners and poker, not the current management and Blackjack.

    There are no fees to join UB, and tournament buy in amounts are listed on the site. Ask Hollywood for more information concerning the site's activities.
  5. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    thanks ill pm hollywood.
  6. Heavy Walter

    Heavy Walter New Member

    There is still blackjack21.com. Or is that site not accessible for US-players?
  7. mociferous

    mociferous Member


    If you are looking to play cheaply and just learn...I suggest Club WPT. It is something like $19.95 a month or 3 months for $50. You get a membership to Las Vegas Advisor and a valuable coupon book for Vegas if you go to Vegas at all. After the monthly fee, you can play in as many blackjack and poker tournaments as you'd like for free, once you build up "tournament points" along the way. You don't win (or lose) A LOT of money, but I and my husband have always made more than it costs to play since it opened in June '08 I think...INCLUDING a free Caribbean cruise he won a while back! It is totally legal in the US since it is a "club" and when you ask to receive your money in the mail, it takes about 4 weeks, but comes like clockwork!:p
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Cheaper than $19.95

    You don't have to spend $19.95/month for ClubRigged - excuse me, I mean ClubWPT. Buried somewhere in their Terms & Conditions is a way to get your membership for the price of one postcard per month. Required for them since they operate under sweepstakes law. I know a few folks who have been doing this for some time, and it works.
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2011
  9. Chairman

    Chairman Member

    Thanks. Have a mac and need virtual pc to run their software. If I get virtual pc or a new computer I will certainly give it a try.

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