Losing streak

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by darklord, Mar 23, 2006.

  1. darklord

    darklord New Member

    Recently I am experiencing a losing streak and it does not seem to end. It's been a month and I haven't won any big prizes yet. I did make it to the final tables several times, but ended up with 6th or 7th places. I wonder whether I should change my strategy or keep the old strategy (Wong's strategy) and hope that the losing streak is over. Anybody here experienced a long losing streak before and like to share? I just feel really frustrated driving to the casino time and time again and drive home empty handed. This is the longest losing streak ever since I started playing tournament last July, I hope I won't run out of money before this losing streak is over.
  2. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Nothing New

    Darklord what you are experiencing is something that all of us have gone through. There are some real good players who have never won a tournament in their whole career. Then there are some of us that have won more than their share and are the top money winners here on this site and for that fact everywhere.

    Stick with what ever you are comfortable with but understand one thing Wong's style is good but so many people play it that you have to move >>>>>> " Beyond Wong " if you want to stay ahead of the pack. Because if you stick to that style most of your opponents will be playing the same way on the last 5 hands and now it's the luck of the cards if you leave it to then. Wong's style worked 10 years ago it no longer works now because the level of play is much stronger now and players don't beat themselves.

    Yes there are some that will still give it away but few and far between and it seems I never have them at my table .
  3. Tinker

    Tinker New Member

    The longest losing streak in BJ Tournament History

    I am not sure even Joep knows this, but I have been playing The Stardust stepladder BJ Tourneys since 1988. In my 4th, 5th and 6th tourneys at the Stardust I made the finals 3 consecutive times (and remember 650 players were in each of those). Since August 1991, I have played in over 60 Stardust Tournaments and have NEVER made the finals.

    I have changed my strategy so many times, I have no idea what is the right strategy - except I do know that Joep is correct; Wong's strategy is out-of-date and if you ask him, he will tell you the same thing. You now have to play the players at the table and anticipate (not always easy) who will have last bet on the last hand.

    Good Luck

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