Lost my first $50 at Bet21

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Dec 25, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    But admittedly half of it was playing poker. They have a terrible poker program because of layout and absent players or players with bad connections screw up games. If this is what UB has to offer as far as poker Im surprised they have players. As for the 5$ sit and goes they were tedious and painful because it takes forever to get thru the hands leading up to elimination and the cheap games are full of wildcats causing pain. Also pain from bad beats when you loose every catchup hand. Thats mostly what I remember is players going up to 60k on first couple hands and then me losing all my hands. But, likely thats a product of cheap games and very few in my sample pack. Cheap games anywhere invite wildcats and if you are at a table of a few wildcats you need more luck than them. I have had the privilege, and paid hours for it, of making 2 of 4 semi finals in Vegas Freerolls. The list had me 9/958 and 13/750ish on my deep advances then pain with losing streaks in each final table chance. I did find better players were in round 3/5 so maybe quality play is paying. I think my next strat will be to only play 10 and 20 dollar games multi table plays. S&Gs , IMO, are a bad investment for $. In a 5$ game 2nd pays less than two entries. Not good. For me as a working person who has many responsibilities it is hard to lend time to long games. Im not sure tho you need to practice hundreds of hours to become a good player. For the most part you need to avoid losing streaks. That is hard to do playing blackjack, all you need is luck.


  2. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    Barney, I won 1 out of the last 15 games at the UB. So I would say that I am in a losing streaks or I’m regressing into a idiot. :eek:

    Last edited: Dec 26, 2006
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Keep your chin up doc its only money! :)
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    You LOST $50 :eek: In a single day :eek:

    OMG you High Roller :eek:
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    The sweet thing was after losing my fity bucks on cheap EBJ and 1-20$ poker tournaments I hit the Blackjack tables with my .66 bankroll. I churned and burned them taking my total back up to 1.09 where I headed back to the poker tournament room, found I was short a cent, headed back to blackjack table and spanked them for another 5 cents, headed back to poker where I ended up placing high enough I won 11 cents at which time I headed back to the blackjack table and clicked "all in" to lose 11 cents. yes facts are facts, I am a high roller

  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Barney, I heard your wife lost her shirt at bet21 ;). Minx!


  7. gowifb

    gowifb New Member

    Is it really random?

    I know it probably is, but was just wondering if anyone else is suspicious. I swear online the players are just as bad as the ones i encounter at the casinos in a tournament, however online they keep getting richer and richer than I ever see at the casino. I see more games ending up at 3-4x bankroll (often by around hand 16), and not only that but often it ends up that way with people constantly betting only like 5k. Of course I may just be experiencing some horrible luck, but I am constantly noticing that the good players keep losing.
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Yes, there is a conspiracy! :laugh:

    Your post has echoed many, many others here, including myself at times. That led me to a prior thread that had many great thoughts and really helped me in my play:


    As for your questions let me give you my .02 on the matter:

    1. Higher BR's especially early on - this occurs due to the forced elimination hands. Unlike TBJT, where you can put it on auto-pilot for many hands EBJ FORCES players to make their moves earlier. By hand 7 and definately 8 I can guarentee you'll see someone betting their entire BR. How often do you see someone going all-in on hand 6-8 in a traditional BJT?

    2. Good players. What constitutes a good player? I would really like a definition of this because to each person it means something else. Traditionally a good player was disciplined, played BS and only plunked down more than the minimum when necessary. Good players tried to be BR1 but were never worried that much about it because good players rarely had to bet all-in until the final 2-3 hands right? With EBJ there is taking place a paradygn shift in playing strategies to take advantage of the increased variance. In my opinion good players consistently make final tables (in MTT) or end in 1-2 in the SNG. That's MY definition as I believe the results justify good versus mediorce.

    Remember EBJ may seem like traditional B&M BJT - but they're not - at least I don't approach them the same way! :D
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    So high roller B, where were U last night for the $5+.5 satellites? :confused:

    You could have entered either one for BOTH went off last night! $11 total for a shot at 25,000 and you passed on it!

    Yep you high roller U! :laugh:

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  10. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Time to "Hi" Roll

    It only took a week but funds deposited in my hidden, from my wife, bank account. Yes bet21 here come some more money. Hope its lasts more than haf a day...
  11. marichal

    marichal Member


    will your book come out soon?

    good title, might be, "how to spank em, for the big cents"
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    No Marichal but good try.

    I managed to get a rough draft see.....:joker:

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  13. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Dont let tribal authorities know at Barona, but I will be in the bathroom near the buffet in stall number 3 selling my "EBJ for Dummies" You pull up to stall number 2 or 4 and slide $5 + .50¢ under the wall. I fully guarantee my product.

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