Lucky 8 And The Real Lucky 9

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, May 13, 2005.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    The Million Dollar Tournament format call for 8 people to be Wild Carded back into the Tournament.This year because of a few people qualifying more than once and one player passing away and others having family health issues there were 17 Wild Cards Drawn to get back into the tournament with a chance to win a cool 1 Million Dollars.Here is a list of the Wild Cards drawn

    These are in the order that they were called

    1) Liz Hardy

    2) Kenny Einiger (WSOB CHAMPION) What a year the streak continues

    3) Martin Sayer

    4) Carlos Castillo

    5) Gloria Gourlay

    6) Natalya Azbel

    7) Yvonne Gray - She only had 1 ticket in the drum

    8) Ruzz Jenkins

    and now the Real Lucky 9

    9) Delbert Humphrey

    10) Gus Lu

    11) Jerry Gibson

    12) Angie "MoneyTaker" Hardy - She had 2 Tickets in the drum

    13) Wilfredo Agurso

    14) William Barron

    15) R.Charles Calin (Instagator) who now has to cut my lawn with siccors as promised if he received a Wild Card

    16) John Cuchia

    17) George Humel

    Congrats to all 17........... ;)
    Last edited: May 13, 2005
  2. cmonseven

    cmonseven New Member

    Did he do it?

    Hey Joe,

    How does your lawn look?

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