LV Hilton Grand Finale Event

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Billy C, Dec 11, 2009.

  1. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    This was held last week (Dec. 2-6) and I was one of a handful or so members from here that participated.
    To my knowledge, rookie789 was the only one of us that had even a sniff of success and he got edged out in a tie playoff into the semis.
    Thursday we played PaiGow, Friday 3 Card Poker, Saturday Blackjack and Sunday Craps. All four events were accumulation format. The top 10 "accumulators" from the entire field advanced to the semis in each event.
    That meant 2 semifinal tables with 5 players each for each of the three different "card" events.
    The table winner from each of these 6 tables along with the 1 Craps semifinal winner made up the the 7 player BJ table "Grand Finale" that payed 75k for 1st place down thru 2k for 7th place
    This was my first ever experience with accumulation formats and to say it's the same for everyone would be wrong.
    There was no posting of previous session results but naturally lots of guessing about what the "cut" figure would be in ALL 4 of the events. You can't know exactly what it is because of playing at the same time as several others but knowing what previous sessions did would be very advantageous.
    Starting with 5k funny money in all of the events resulted in many players "shooting for the moon" and some hitting it!
    Fifteen hands were a session in the card events and the Craps sessions were 20 minutes.
    The "cut" figure for BJ was 22k and similarily high for all the others.
    I won't rave about this one like I have about a couple other venues in the past but I give it a good+ rating and would like to do it again next time!

    Billy C

    P.S. To clear up above statement-------I'm saying that some people had a really good idea what their target had to be and I didn't. Very possible that they were smarter than me and witnessed other session results or had help from others watching. Nothing wrong with that and I have no complaints other than the cards I was dealt!

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