LV Hilton Lucky Star Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by shay919, Oct 3, 2005.

  1. shay919

    shay919 Member

    I was in the tournament this weekend. I was very nervous since I had never played in a tournament. I played the first round, and my table was very wierd.

    First, the dealer was so hot, that I think I only won about three hands out of 30, and never won 2 hands in a row. I don't think anyone else did either. The two people who won were the ones who betted the least. I was in third place at the end and bet almost everything to move ahead, but no one won, including me won that hand. Just like the previous hands.

    Now here's what that table was like. I was in the second seat. The guy in 1st seat the whole time muttered under his breathe, about everything. This was distracting, but not as bad as the lady to my left in the 3rd seat. She had very little understanding of English and and even less understanding about tournament play. At first, she wanted to move to the first seat, and had to be told several times that all of the seats were assigned. She tried to change her bet after everyone else betted, and complained during the play that she didn't recieve $5,000 in chips. She also tried to surrender when the dealer had an ace, even though she had been told several times that surrender was not allowed when the dealer had an ace. She always betted out of sequence. And was constantly trying to talk to me thru the entire play. The guy in the first seat ended up betting everything to get out early. When the guy in first place left, she tried once again to move to thee first seat. Sheesh!!!!

    It was a disaster!!!

    Please tell me not all tournaments are like this!!
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not all tournaments --- BUT

    I've never played in a tournament quite as bad as what you described (except dealer being hot). Players who either don't know the rules or are always trying to bend them are in the minority. Most who don't know the rules generally keep quite, muddle through and generally lose --- a little consulation. Of course you have the opposite end like the lady you mentioned.

    In my experience, these players are generally restricted to either low entry fee tournaments or free tournaments since they have little to lose and think tournament play is like regular blackjack. But they can be found in all levels of play. The good news is that thay are in the vast minority.

    As far as the dealer being hot, well that happens. That is what a minimum bet player hopes for --- others bust out while he still has chips. At one time I played at a semi-final table and lost about 25 of the first 30 hands. Managed a slight come back but not enough to win.

    As you play more tournaments you'll find your first experience is the exception rather than the rule. So don't give up. Most players are friendly and respect the other players. Better times are ahead and GOOD LUCK. ;)
  3. shay919

    shay919 Member

    If it had just been a hot dealer, I could have "dealt" with that. lol! I was very shocked by the distraction from the other players, and it was hard to concentrate on the game. I guess I expected very serious players and plays, and was thrown off when the players were different than I expected. And I had expected everyone playing to know all of the rules. I certainly didn't pay the $299 buy in and then not find out what the rules were or try to study up on the correct play or the bs for a 6 deck game. Of course, the buy in included the room for the whole time, so if you were planning to be at the Hilton that weekend, the tourmanent didn't cost anything extra.

    I would like another try at a tournament, and was dissapointed that I didn't get a wild card draw and the crazy lady did. lol!

    But the hubby and I played blackjack and slots, and we both got the player's card, so I could be a rated player at the Hilton. The buy in for a rated player was $199 instead of $299. So maybe next your I'll get the lower buy in, and I'm going to look for future tournaments.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Try, try. again

    Glad to hear you are not too discouraged. I find tournaments are fun. Maybe there are some local ternaments near your home that you can use for practice. Who knows, maybe you'll win a few bucks in the process. As far as the crazy lady drawing a wild card, well, thats just dumb luck and ---- happens.

    If I can offer a piece of unsolicited advice. Get a duplicate of your player card for your husband to use. You will get better comps and more invites if your card shows more play as opposed to 2 cards showing less play.

    Good Luck and don't give up!!! :)

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