LV Hilton One on One BJ Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 18, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    You will go hand-to-hand and face-to-face against other VIP blackjack players

    Registration Date: Friday, March 10
    Event Date: Saturday, March 11 & Sunday, March 12

    Prize Structure:
    1st Place ...... $150,000
    2nd Place ...... $30,000
    3rd Place ...... $20,000
    4th Place ...... $10,000
    All prizes will be paid win promotional chips through 24th place.

    The offer includes:
    • Four days and three nights of hotel accommodations
    • One entry into the $250,000 ONE-ON-ONE BJ Tournament

    Please contact your favorite casino host or call 1-800-457-3307 for more information. Ask for "Internet $250,000 ONE-ON-ONE BJ Tournament.”

    All participants with $15,000 in available funds (Credit or Front Money) will be allowed to register into the tournament at no charge (Free Inscription). Players do not have available funds to obtain the Free registration requirement will be allowed to register by paying an Inscription Fee of $2,500 in cash. Your credit line must be clear at the time of the event.

    All participants (Free or Paid) must register a minimum of 3,500 points of theoretical or loss of $8,000 for this trip, prior to 12 noon on Sunday, or they will be disqualified by the tournament committee.

    Advanced reservations are required and are based on availability. Reward dollars are accepted for payment. This offer is subject to change, is non-transferable and may not be combined with any other offer or event. You must enroll The Las Vegas Hilton - Resort International Club to participate the event. Tax and gratuity not included. The reservation must be made a minimum of 24 hours prior to the registration date. You must be 21 years of age or older and valid photo identification at registration. Management reserves all rights. The Las Vegas Hilton encourages responsible gaming. For help and information, call toll free 1-800-522-4700.
  2. Hilton Tournament

    I actually will be in Vegas the weekend the Tournament is going on, but have race tickets on Saturday and Sunday for Nascar. If anyone is playing, let me know. I'd like to come watch Saturday afternoon afternoon after the Busch race. The fee was a little high for me, they also told me if you bet $400 a hand for a 6 hour period, your fee could be covered that way too. Just a little too rich for my blood at the present time. If you have the available $15,000, are you obligated to gamble it during your stay or do you just have to show you have the available credit marker to gamble with if you desired to?

    Take Care
  3. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member


    All participants (Free or Paid) must register a minimum of 3,500 points of theoretical or loss of $8,000 for this trip, prior to 12 noon on Sunday, or they will be disqualified by the tournament committee.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Hell Swog, get in on Friday and you can have that by midnight.....LOL

  5. Perhaps his point was how can a "Free" participant be required to, as one example, lose $8,000 for the trip?
  6. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member


    Unfortunately it appears the wave of the future for casino tournaments involves a specific amount of side action to remain in the tournament.
    Not a good direction for most of us in this fraternity. However, it appears to be working for some casinos and the "bigger" players.


    Shame On You!!!!!!

  8. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member


    I never said it wasn't co-ed.

  9. ???????????

    I have no idea why she made this comment either SWOG. The self proclaimed queen obviously has her crown on too tight around her head.
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Choice of words


    You used the word "fraternity" thus the sexist implication.:eek:

  11. Perhaps. Certainly not exclusively.

    Main Entry: fra·ter·ni·ty Pronunciation: fr&-'t&r-n&-teFunction: nounInflected Form(s): plural -ties1 : a group of people associated or formally organized for a common purpose, interest, or pleasure: as a : a fraternal order b : GUILD c : a men's student organization formed chiefly for social purposes having secret rites and a name consisting of Greek letters d : a student organization for scholastic, professional, or extracurricular activities <a debating fraternity>
    2 : the quality or state of being brothers : BROTHERLINESS
    3 : persons of the same class, profession, character, or tastes <the racetrack fraternity>
  12. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Not defending

    I'm not defending anyone's interpretation of the written word. I was merely pointing out where she's coming from and how she arrived at her conclusion.
  13. Nothing sexist here

    OK, Toolman1. Thank you.

    I then go back to my original conclusion. Something must be wrapped too tightly around her head. (No sexist implications of the written word in that statement)
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I was just posting about an up coming tournament...LOL
  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Damn twice

    Ya, ditto on the DAMN.
  16. noman

    noman Top Member

    Word parsing:

    If ya can't have fun here, where can ya?
  17. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Not to change the subject, but...

    As it now turns out, I may be able to play in this tourney - have had the invitations to play in the past, but always other committments - this time my wife, daughter and son-in-law will be in town also with the latter two going to the races.

    Can someone who has played this format before describe what "one-on-one" play is? How you advance etc? Are the promo chips that one is paid in good until lost or only good for one decision?

    Just what is "theoretical" - all I ever see is how many comps I've earned after a playing session. I presume that there is a direct relationship between earned comps and "theoretical". Also, can someone define how much "theoretical" one gets/earns/whatever per hour of blackjack at a given average bet and the same for FPVP?

    thanking responders in advance.

  18. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    I’m going to take a stab at what the LV Hilton means by “theoretical”. If my opinion is not right, at least it may start some thinking. Chipsmccoy brings up some other interesting questions that I will leave for other members to address if they have some pertinent information.

    It seems to me that what the LV Hilton is saying when they use the term “theoretical” is “play enough so that we should win $3,500 from you” or “based on theoretical probabilities, give us a chance to win $3,500 from you”.

    In their write-up that TXtourplayer quoted exactly, their wording was:

    “All participants (Free or Paid) must register a minimum of 3,500 points of theoretical or loss of $8,000 for this trip”

    The last time they held a tournament like this they said something to the effect of a “minimum average bet of $xxx for x number of hours”. This time they only said “theoretical”. This leads me to believe they are replacing the minimum bet requirement with the term “theoretical” and actually meaning “theoretical loss”. Casinos, in general don’t like to use the word “loss” so I think they just dropped the word “loss”.

    Now, let’s make a couple of assumptions:
    1) You bet an average of $500 per hand.
    2) Playing BJ 1 on 1 with a competent dealer, you will be dealt about 200 hands per hour.
    3) You play for 7 hours.
    4) You play perfect basic strategy. Using a 6 or 8 deck shoe, house advantage is about 0.5% (this is not technically right but accept it for this illustration).

    Using these assumptions, your THEORETICAL LOSS will be $3,500.
    ($500 x 200 x 7 x .005)
    In other words, on average or in theory, you should loose $3,500.

    The $3,500 in “theoretical loss” is what they are after to finance the tournament. Sure a given player may win but as a group, they will average a $3,500+ loss (the “+” being the fact that you qualify if you sustain, and walk away, with an $8,000 actual loss).

    Now, this is just my opinion. It may be wrong but it makes sense to me.

    Comments please.

    PS: If my theory is right, this is a BIG money maker for the Hilton. Some will pay a $2,500 entry fee. Some will lose a average of $3,500. Some will lose $8,000+. Looks like all they need in "theory" is about 60 players to cover the prize money. Not bad for a day's work.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2006



    Mr. Peterson,
    I am not a self proclaimed queen. I was announced as the QUEEN OF BLACKJACK by Max Ruben who was the ring master at Viktor and Bettie's Halloween Party because of my costume...the queen of hearts/blackjack. I also had just won my title of the LADY'S WORLD CHAMP OF BLACKJACK with the UBT tournament the same day. In regards to my comment about the was a joke and yes, fraternities usually refer to an all male community. Be nice to me or else no more guacamole for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:flame:
  20. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    A thought on theoretical

    It looks like you may have figured out the relationship between earned comps and "theoretical". This website page tells you approximately how much table play and slot play is required to earn a reward dollar.

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