LV Hilton Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by ahc66, Jun 5, 2008.

  1. ahc66

    ahc66 New Member

    I just have a few questions for anybody who was at the $100,000 BJ Tourney at the Hilton a couple of weeks ago. It seems to me I remember hearing some folks talk about how if you played a certain amount while you were there you got an entry AND a comped room for the tourney in November. Does anybody else remember hearing anything like that? I just called the Hilton and they say I don't qualify for a comped room bucause I didn't lose enough $$$ when I was there for the tourney. I played more time-wise, I just didn't lose as much money this time as the time previous. Is this how all casinos work on comping rooms? Do they all base it on how much $$ you lose? Thanks for any input you may have.
  2. spring9911

    spring9911 New Member

    It's actually based on the time you played. I was there for the 3 card poker tournament in February and they stated if you played enough hours, you were automatically in the August tournament. This is true!! I just received the free entry/room for the August 3 Card poker tournament. They actually gave me an option to play in the 3 Card tournament or any of the other tournaments. So, if you played enough hours, you will receive the invite back.
  3. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    The suited 100K BJ tournament is separate from the LVH's 3 other 100K comped tournaments. The suited BJ tournament entry requires a suited BJ during live table play to qualify and does not include comped room nor entry into their 3 other comped 100K tournaments.

    The other 3 LVH annual comped 100K tournaments (Pai Gow, 3CP and Craps) initually require qualification requirements at live tables but once qualified you will be reinvited (comped including room) to their future same tournaments if you give them specified hours of play during the 3 day tournaments. Historic requirements to be reinvited have been 5 hours of table play total over 3 days at a $10 average bet.

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