Made it

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Dec 27, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I was almost always smoking during the Vegas Free rolls while playing at Bet21. Ive played in 6 and had 3 semi finals and made it to top 6 players this time. Now my problem is that I will likely be gone Jan 15 so I might be looking for a stand in! LOL ;)
  2. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Congrats Barney...

    Let Ona play....:)

    I made the Bet 21 game so i cant sit in...

    I cant win that damn UBT game though...

    They really need to revamp that game to avoid having to play two rounds only to be placed in a "one moves on" lottery in round three.

    I wasted hours playing 3 different times to be max bet out each of three seperate times in the third round were only one moves on....add the usless TEC point game and all in all this free roll not only doesnt showcase the game frustrates players enough that they play a little and quit...

    Not a workable promotion in my opinion....

    I guess I am the person always pointing out the bad ...and I apoligize for that...there are alot of great things about this game and the effort at making it fly...we all know the things that are making us smile...

    I was raised by my German grandparents (2 parts German..I partScot, one part Italian..= MUTT right.) and a compliment from the Germanic side was always sideways and might include razor sharp wit always at your expense ...but if it was a good idea it was supported even tho you might not see it on the surface...

    I play alot!!! I love it!!!! I want to help make it better so that it continues....I want to be on TV and I want my 2 ex wifes to watch me win back some of the alimony I lost to those two poor bets...:rolleyes:

    Happy New Year ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Barney Loves Elimination Blackjack

    Couldn't resist the lure of the darkside could you Barney? They don't call it Crackjack for nothing, first game's free...


  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Rando n Reach

    Rando the Vegas promo really is silly because at the end you need to win a tourney of about 1400 to get the Venetian trip prize then the prizes fall of a cliff concerning value. They should add some value in for all the hours it took to come in the top 6 out of about 1000 players to qualify. But for me fighting thru a field of Wildcats is rewarding enough. You will find Ona at UBT trying to win herself a spot and yes she does play in her naughty nighty. Have you been playing the Aruba semi final free poker feeders at Bet21? I have. My best effort found me playing for 3 hrs and in 25th place out of over 3000. I was in like flin. But an hour of bad cards had run me down to 57 place. Still looking good. I was against a stack of 50K to my 30K, 50k looked strong to seat in top 50 which was the goal, I thought he would be stingy with his calls and I got beat and out in 189th. Damn! The thing about poker is one mental slip and thats it.

    Reach. Im luke warm on EBJ. I dont even come close to seeing fireworks because the game can be tedious and the secret bet is hokey pokey and the damn dbl cards are face down. You should go over and play some poker free rolls. It isnt all luck! The Krazy Kanuk wrote a couple good articles for UBT on poker, very valuable. Welcome back Reach I was getting worried you checked into UBT Clinic!

  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    No patience

    I find the poker freerolls very very tedious. In fact I find most poker MTTs boring. I get distracted too easily to be able to maintain the concentration levels required to sit through hundreds of hands, profiling my opponents, waiting for hands that are playable and at the same time watching poker wildcats going all-in when they hold an ace and doubling up. That's why EBJ appeals to me, you are required to think constantly and are making strategic plays all the time, you can't sit on your hands until the last few hands to make a move, you have to dodge and weave all the time. As for the secret bets and face down doubles I'm learning all the time how to use them better. I particularly like the secret bet especially when you figure out what your opponent has done and make a good bet/action to counter it.

    Can you supply a picuture of your wife playing EBT please? It'd be even better is she signed it... "To Reachy love Ona Stone XXXX"



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