Majestic Star Postponed:

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by noman, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. noman

    noman Top Member

    The Majestic Star Casino, Gary, In promoted and advertised "Burning down the House $100.000 Blackjack tournament has beeen indefinately postponed.

    That is as of 3:00 pm central time today August 22. (Decision was probably reached much earlier.)

    Cashier/supervisor Delia so informed me. Being a want a be AP I called the Casino, from within the Casino and reached Ryan, who said the same thing. Postponed. Don't know when they'll reschedule(IF?)

    So for this coming weekend, there will be no lucky charms at this end of the Fitzgerald's rainbow. I guess their underlays at their other tournaments weren't enough to cover their $100,000 (gaurantee?)

    But, the flashing message boards, the translites and standeees were still promoting the event. The billboards along the roadways leading to their dredged ditch were still promoting it too

    Enough to make Da Coach cry.

    Well, can't catch this rising Majestic Star cause it's falling so fast there isn't even enough time to make a wish and so much'll be burned up on the way down, there will be nothing left to put in your pocket to save for a rainy day. Even if there was it would burn you so bad you'd never be able to sit down again.

    And so it goes.

    Good Fortune to all, with better weekend opportunities.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Oh well

    Thanks noman for this update. I was all psyched up to win this baby :) and now nothing. When I started typing this post the casino called to tell me about the "postponement".

    I talked to Sandy there who could not (or would not) give any info as to the reason or if the tournament would be rescheduled. It's a bummer. :mad:

    PS: Just made a reservation for the Grand Tunica for this weekend. My chances of winning are now a lot lower since the MISSISSIPPI MONEY MAN and all the other experts will be there but what the hell.
    Last edited: Aug 23, 2006
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    toolman1 change of plans:

    You know what they say. "When one door closes another opens."

    At least that's what they say.

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