Max Rubin's Balls

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by ANDY 956, May 26, 2006.

  1. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Is it true that Max Rubin’s balls are the biggest on the Blackjack Circuit?
    Would Max let Kenny and Joe do a broadcast from the party so that at least the uninvited could get a look in?
    It would be a great show for interviews as the “Great and the Good” of all Blackjack would be there.
    Could be the best show ever.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Max visits, but doesn't post very often. I, for one, can't wait to see his response to this!
  3. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Big Ball News

    Actually Max called me this morning after I sent him a copy of this post. He thinks it will be a great idea to do the radio show direct from his party. Now as far as the "Big Ball" situation he was MUM on that. But his New Years Blackjack Ball is one of the BIGGEST BALLS that I know of.

    He is thinking about running a contest similar to the one that is given at the Ball and the person with the most correct answers will win an invitation to the Ball.

  4. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Joep and Hollywood

    Joe. I hope you get the show on at Max’s party.
    I would like you to you interview some of Stanford Wong’s Green Chip Players (Please hold them by the throat while you are conversing).
    Is it true that Wong threw you and Hollywood Dave off his site or is it another Blackjack myth?
  5. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User


    Mr.Andy I'm just curious as to why I should interview some of the Green Chip members while holding them by the throat ?

    How did you hear that Hollywood and I were thrown off of Wong's precious site all the way over in England.

    That story is not 100 % accurate by the way .

    In this case there are 4 sides to this story

    Mr Wong's version

    Mr Hollywood's version

    Joep's version

    And the real story

    So it may be just another blackjack myth and there are many of those to go around

    Last edited: May 28, 2006
  6. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Given the Sign

    When Joe puts a Mr in front of your name it’s usually a good sign that he his responding to a post that has pissed him off.
    I hope that is not the case with me as it was only intended as a little bit of lighthearted banter.
    P.S. Ken, Can you throw Joep2 off the site and bring back the original Joep :)
  7. Joep2

    Joep2 Banned User

    Not A Problem

    Mr.Andy rest assured I'm not in any way pissed at you. How could I be you were kind enough tho send me a copy of my TV show that right now is only showing in Europe and not here in the USA. As Mr. Reachy would say cheers my friend all is good.

    Do you really want Joep to return ?

    Mr Rando over on the WSOB thread is trying his hardest to make it happen .

    The Mr before everyones name is my attempt to show the new and softer side of the original Joep. There was no harm intended.

    So tell me how that story got over to the other side of the pond

  8. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Informant Revealed

    All I can say about the Wong situation is that my information about you and Hollywood is correct.
    My source is totally reliable, a former New York policeman who used to be an executive member of this site.
    I am unable to reveal his real name but if you check out the thread “Should Kenny make the Ghost disappear post Friends May 17th 2005” you will find him and see that I am right.
    Andy (Got Ya) :laugh:
  9. LVHCM

    LVHCM Banned User

    Yes, be sure to interview BJ21 "royal" adhoc about his award winning "Arrest Them For False Arrest" fantasy.

    A more clueless bunch cannot be found anywhere on the net. Just the way conman Wong likes it...

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