McDonald's vs Starbuck

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by toolman1, Feb 2, 2007.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Just saw on Bloomberg Financial that in a taste test McDonald's beat Starbuck. So save your money Ladies and Gents. Unless of course you can't stand the thought of someone seeing you go into McDonald's for your coffee. :D

    PS: Also, there is no "tip jar" at McDonald's
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2007
  2. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    I think that this guy is an old friend of Ken Einiger and Joe Pane from their days in Brooklyn ;)

    Do not play if you are easily offended by bad language.

  3. noman

    noman Top Member


    LMAO so much I lost 45 pounds.

    Tool: Don't know if you missed it or not. But McDonald's introduced it's own special PREMIUM "Blend" to compete with The Bucks. Surely, the taste test was initiated by Micky D's, as all second place in the market do.

    Personal note: I rather enjoyed McDonald's original blend for the longest time. Thought it was the BEST and I didn't mind impressing the homeless guy in the door way by entering or exiting the establishment. I even gave him my change from a dollar.
  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I haven't frequented McDonalds or Starbucks for a few years for many reasons and I have to say that to even think that either of those establishments makes an authentic cup of coffee is a joke. I'm sorry but I feel strongly about that.

    It's probably not widely known but long before England was a nation of tea drinkers we were in fact a nation of coffee drinkers. It could be said that we introduced coffee to the wider world in fact. Prior to the Empire we bought coffee back from Turkey and it was refered to as "Islamic wine", with records showing the first coffee shops opeing up in London in the 17th century. For those of you with an interest in this sort of thing there is an excellent book called "The Coffee House: A Social History" by Markham Ellis which makes for a suprisingly interesting read. This is a review from Amazon:

    "This is a remarkable and persuasive account of the rise of a specific form of public sociality in 17th-century England: the coffee house, a seemingly unlikely blend of middle eastern and Protestant values, thrown into fruitful alliance by the presence of a stimulating beverage - 'the wine of Islam', as Markman Ellis characterises it - a drink that served to introduce the discipline of sober public discourse into a hitherto booze-sodden British life.

    Coffee, the world's second-most traded commodity (after oil), provided the catalyst for a novel kind of mercantile wide-awake club which led, eventually, to marine insurance (through Lloyd's Coffee House) as well as to Starbucks and Coffee Rebublic, complete with their array of newspapers and magazines in imitation of their historical forebears. Ellis does a good job introducing the characters behind the rise of the coffee habit, as well as elucidating the various contested meanings of the drink itself, but he is particularly good at recreating the locations in which coffee was first consumed, and what the act of consumption meant to its earliest customers.

    After reading this, your frothy latte will never taste quite the same again."


  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Field Marshal Sir Lord Reachy:

    That sounds like a grand coffee table book, to be perused while enjoying your favorite blend of (ummmm) coffee?
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Too bad Kramer (Seinfeld TV show) didn't know about this coffee table book. Could have made that fortune that always eluded him.

    How can one compare the quality of coffee if one does not drink it? Sorry, I have to give this one to noman. By the way, how does one "get his motor running" in the morning without coffee? Looks like your countrymen had the right idea a while back but switched to tea. Bad choice. :D :laugh: :D

    Giving 2 cents (change from a buck) to the panhandler??? He gets his coffee free by rummaging through the trash until he can put together a full cup. You're not helping him much because what he really needs is a microwave to heat up his coffee and that'll take a lot of 2 cent contributions. ;)
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Rosy Lea

    The first thing I do in the morning is have a big cup of tea (my mug holds 1 pint). Nothing else gets me going better than that. If I can get hold of good quality tea during the day, that is what I will drink all the time, but if I can't I'll have a coffee. Don't get me wrong though, I love coffee and I make it in a hob-top pot at home and grind my own beans. I have even looked into getting my own roaster in the past.


  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I just knew you would come to your senses. You're headed in the right direction, now don't veer off the road. :laugh: :D

    PS: I wish I had a "hob-top pot". Keep telling my wife to get one but neither of us know what that is.
  9. noman

    noman Top Member


    Have u seen the price of copper lately?
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    The only pot you'll ever need to make good coffee :)



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