Meskwaki Blackjack Tournament 2009 Rules

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by ee4life66, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    I realize the actual rules will not be distributed until April 3rd at the reception but does anyone have copy of last years tournament rules. I am getting a little nervous there may be a variation in the rules that would require a strategy adjustment.

    It's my first big dance I would like to make a good impression.

    Thanks in advance for any hints.
  2. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Meskwaki rules

    Here is copy of the rules for this year's tourney!

    * Participants may begin to enter the Blackjack Tournament through the Executive Host office on February 1st, 2009. (Maximum number of participants is 168)
    * Participants will be able to register online using the Showare program for entertainment. Participants may also choose to pay with cash, or credit card at the Ticket Sales window.
    * The Tournament will take place in the Convention Center under surveillance.
    * The buy-in for the Blackjack Tournament will be $150 and will include 2-night stay & 2 Sunday Breakfast Buffets.
    * The re-buy will be $50 and will be paid the day of the tournament if the participant would like to re-buy.
    * If there is room available in the re-buy rounds and participants would like to re-buy a second time, they may do so by paying an additional $50.
    * All re-buys will take place after the round is over. The last re-buy round will be filled following the 2nd re-buy round has been completed.
    * Registration will begin Friday April 3rd at 6PM in the Convention Center, during this time a nice reception will be given and the participants will receive their hotel room comps & breakfast buffet comp. If there are vacant spots in the tournament at this time other participants may sign up in the Convention Center.
    * Participants will be assigned a table and round for the 1st round & Re-entry round. The proceeding rounds will be determined randomly based on finishing position in previous rounds.
    * Round 1 will consist of 30 hands and each participate will receive $1,000 in non-negotiable chips. Re Entry Round will consist of 30 hands and each participant will receive $1,000 in non-negotiable chips. Round 2 will consist of 30 hands and each participant will receive $2,500 in non-negotiable chips. Round 3 will consist of 30 hands and each participant will receive $2,500 in non-negotiable chips. Round 4 will consist of 30 hands and each participant will receive $2,500 in non-negotiable chips. Final round will consist of 35 hands and each participant will receive $5,000 in non-negotiable chips.
    * Participant may not exchange/loan chips.
    * A rotating dealer button will be moved in a clockwise rotation to determine which contestant will make the first bet of each hand. The dealer button will be rotated after each hand.
    * All other bets are made in a clockwise rotation from the dealer button.
    * Each participant must bet a minimum of $25 up to a maximum of $1,000, $2,500 or $5,000 depending on the Round that they are playing. Before the start of the 24th hand in all rounds except finals there will be a countdown prior to the 24th hand and the 30th and final hand. During the Final round there will be a countdown prior to the 29th hand and 35th hand. The last 5 hands in all rounds will be unlimited.
    * Black Jack will pay 2-1.
    * Insurance will be offered in order of the button for that hand.
    * Players must place a bet in every hand – NO SITTING OUT.
    * All tournament chips will remain in view at all times and kept in separate by color so that all participants are aware of who has what.
    * If a participant cannot place the minimum wager he will be eliminated.
    * If it is necessary to break a tie, five additional hands will be dealt.
    * Participants will be allowed to have their drinks and their non negotiable chips on the table.
    * There will be no use of writing utensils, paper or calculators of participants while playing in the Tournament.
    * Management reserves the right to change or cancel this promotion without prior notice.
    * The decision of the Tournament Committee is final in all instances.
    * The Tournament Committee will consist of the following:
    o Director of Marketing
    o Director of Table Games
    o Player Development Manager
    o Shift Managers on Duty
    * Winners will be required to fill out a Prize Winner Informational Form.
    * Winners of more than $599 will be required to fill out a W9 for verification of their social security #.
    * All Meskwaki Blackjack rules will apply, unless otherwise noted above.
    * All prizes must be claimed by April 5th at 11:59PM at Club Meskwaki. Any prizes unclaimed will be considered forfeited and returned to the Cage as a Cash Paid In on that following Monday. All prize money will be locked in a draw behind Club Meskwaki.
    * The payouts will be as follows:
    o 1st Place 18,000
    o 2nd Place 9,000 or 28.85%
    o 3rd Place 7,500 or 24%
    o 4th Place 5,000 or 16%
    o 5th Place 2,500 or 8%
    o 6th Place 1,000 or 3.2%
    o 7th Place 750 or 2.4%
    o All Semi Finalist will receive $200 X 19 $3,800 .64% each

    Total $47,550
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  3. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    Thanks Schultzy! That is exactly what I needed to know and I feel much better.
    Now I can concentrate on my locals and decide if I am playing the Bettendorf Bracket Buster.

  4. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Let us know how the turn-out is for Bettendorf this week. I would love to go, but I have to work Sunday. Hopefully they will have more tourney's in the future!
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Wild Finishes!

    Wow! With last five hands being no limit bets a lot of strategy goes out the window, I think.
    Makes luck an even bigger factor.

    Billy C
  6. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    Is this a one-advance tourney? The rules don't specify. Combine one-advance with 2:1 BJ and no limit and you have a card lottery.
  7. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    That's true but it still has a fantastic SV (using toolman1's term).
    I don't know how many advance. Schultzy may know?

    Billy C
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2009
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Several players were talking about this event so I checked into it. There are several table rules I received about a month ago and after looking them over make this event not as attractive as it was first talked about.

    Before going I suggest you checkout the table rules so you won't be surprized once you get there.
  9. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    150 bucks

    Not disagreeing with you Tex but look what you're getting for $150

    Billy C
  10. pasman21

    pasman21 Member

    There will be quite a few of us Kansas City players there. I know I'm looking forward to it even with the "luck" factor.

  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I didn't mean to be so negative about the event. Actually from what I heard about the tournament I thought it was a good deal at first and still isn't horrible. I just don't like all in events with one advancing, becomes to much of a crap shoot for me.

    With so much travel involved for me I prefer a little more strategic event, may not win or advance,but at least I feel I have a better shot then a coin toss. How if it was close enough to drive to without much expense I could see it as a better tournament.

    The $150 entry and $50 re=buy is nice, but it would cost me over $300 travel minimum before any other expenses.
  12. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    We were at Meskwaki in October and I am almost positive that it's a TWO-advance in the early rounds. My memory is still a little clouded from the weekend at Ignace!

    Word is Meskwaki is going to host another big tourney in October.
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2009
  13. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Two Advance

    Well, if it's two advance then it's worth travelling for. All-in and 2:1 BJ rules are objectionable, but we can live with them. One-advance is a litmus test for travelling. Alot of tourneys are one-advance in the semis, and I can hold my nose and live with that but if all rounds are one-advance that changes things.
  14. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Amen to that, and I couldn't have said it better!!! Indeed, the more skilled BJT players who frequent this forum don't particularly like 2:1 BJ's or no-limit betting because those rules do have a negative impact on skilled play, but having multiple players advance from each table helps us overcome those rules.

    If the Iowa tournament is two-advance from each table except for the semi-final round (as Schultzy remembers), then it is a very, very good tournament because they do allow the increasingly rare option of Open Entry plus there is a little bit of cash for those who make the semifinal round. However, as Monkeysystem pointed out, if the earlier rounds are also one-advance, then that factor coupled with 2:1 BJ's and no-limit betting turns the entire event into nothing more than a card lottery and knocks the attractiveness of the tournament down to nearly zero.
  15. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    I feel much better now!!!

    It is a good thing I play for the fun, competition and camaraderie.

  16. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Hope you're right

    So the Long Island Ice Tea got you didn't it?
    I sure hope it's 2 advance. Let's talk to them about the 5 hand no limit bets, too. One no limit is more than I like.

    Billy C
  17. sweet william

    sweet william Member


    i played meskwaki tourny last year, as i remember 1st round 2 advance,2nd
    round 3 advance, simi 1 advance. i know this sounds strange but i think that
    is how it was. don't know if same or not this time, for travelers tama ia. is kind of remote but easy to drive to. nice foks,well run, i liked it. hope you do..
  18. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    That table advancement sounds very acceptable. Now if we can convince them to eliminate no limit bets (future tourneys) and maybe even the 2:1 BJ's
    they'd have an attractive format.

    Billy C
  19. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Under The Influence

    I was under the influence of about three or four beers when I posted that!:laugh:
  20. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Thanks for jogging my memory about the rounds. As for the all-in strategy, I rarely saw anyone use it. I have been to the casino once for their last BJ tournament and only have good things to say. There has been alot of talk here about the size of the casino, security, tournament rules, and so forth. We never had any problems there. I also want to point out that it's a pretty big casino. According to their website, they now have 404 rooms. There are some quirks with the tournament, but everyone will be playing by the same rules. I don't remember alot about the house games, fortunately this time I will have LeftNut and Billy C there to show me the good VP games. :laugh:

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