Meskwaki Casino - April 2009 Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Mar 9, 2009.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I played the Hilton's $100,000 tournament this last weekend and heard a disturbing rumor. Seems like some of the players there are of the opinion that the Meskwaki Casino does not provide security for the parking lot. Therefore, breaking into cars is not uncommon. Can someone either confirm or deny this rumor?
  2. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    Meskwaki Security

    Yes, it is a well known fact that the middle of Iowa is the hotbed of all criminal activity.

    However, you must be extremely careful of the roving gangs of cows. These cow gangs are attracted to vehicles that are hay, straw or corn colored. (dull green, gold or yellow for you fancy city folks) The gangs of cows will emerge from the fields and attempt to eat these vehicles. When they realize that they are not food they become enraged and extremely unpredictable. Strangely enough, much like professional card players.

    Meskwaki Casino has 24 hour video surveillance of all parking facilities and patrolling security. If you’re still worried leave the ‘07 BMW Z3 at home and take the rusted out ’72 Ford F150: ya’ll fit rite in wit da rest o’ us hillbillies; sept’un Iowa’s flat.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Thank you for the very sarcastic answer which is not appreciated or warranted. If you are thinking of being a comedian - keep your day job.
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2009
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Wasn't there some incident with livestock eating the seat of a truck during a tournament somewhere in the Midwest? I think his humor might be based in reality!
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    You may be thinking of an incident at the last St. Ignace tournament. My recollection is that crows destroyed a couch in a parked pick up truck. The St. Ignace boys can give more details.
  6. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    We're not afraid

    They wouldn't have the balls to tangle with a feared threesome like Schultzy, LeftNut and me. Cows, crows, chimps or otherwise.
    I'll be driving my "63" Falcon.

    Billy C
  7. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Eating crow!

    Here is a paragraph from MonkeySystem's article in the '09 BJ Insider about St. Ignace.

    One last lesson before I close this article. Never, and I mean NEVER, stop at your local casino while you’re transporting furniture in the back of your pickup truck. The tournament area at St. Ignace has a glass door that lets you look out to the parking lot. On the second morning of the tournament, several of us watched through that glass door as disaster unfolded. In that parking lot was a pickup truck with a sofa in the back. This was no ordinary sofa. This was a sofa with the stuffing being torn out of it by a crow. The poor guy transporting this sofa most certainly had a losing session at the casino that morning!
  8. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    That was a very funny post, a classic:laugh:

  9. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    Apology to toolman

    I apologize for my sarcasm, toolman. I found it so unlikely that a rumor about a little casino, that is barely 150K sqft in size, would even surface in Los Wages let alone be given any credence.
    I could not resist in sharing in the absurdity. I can only guess at the intent of starting such a rumor.
    The director of player development for Meskwaki has assured me that the casino and it’s parking lots are totally safe…Except for the cows … still LMAO!!!
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Your apology is noted and accepted. I mentioned the tournament to friends while at the Las Vegas Hilton only to make it known to them in case they were interested in attending. One of those friends is from Nebraska and another from Iowa. Both had reservations about the parking lot security although neither had ever been there. Seems like some of the Iowa casinos do have this problem which is why they mentioned it to me. My main intent in posting the question was for the safety of fellow members on this site who intend to attend the tournament. My safety is not the issue since I will not be there - just looking out for fellow members.
  11. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Casino Parking Lot Security Solution

    I've got the solution for casino parking lot security problems. Click on the link below to see the promotional video. The third segment is especially relevant to our dilemma... :laugh:
  12. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    A Pleasant Experience

    That's what I'd call the Meskwaki Tournament. Tourney staff and dealers nice and accomodating.
    Table advancement was 2 of 6 (7?) first round, 2 of 4 second round, 3 of 4 third round, 3 of 6 fourth round, 1 of 6 fifth round (to final table). They also drew one wild card to final table.
    State of MN had a large contingent of players there, several from WI, IL and MO, a few from MI and many from IA, of course. There could be other states represented that I'm not aware of.
    I think the unlimited bets will be gone next time around (sure hope so!). I have every intention of returning in October or whenever next one is.
    Lastly, my 63 Ford Falcon was left unlocked in the parking lot for three days. No vandals, cows, crows or otherwise!
    I really enjoyed reuniting with so many from the midwest tourney community again. LOTS of very nice people.

    Billy C
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I can't say enough about how wonderful the Meskwaki staff were to us. It was a very professionally run tournament, only a very few (and very small) glitches throughout the entire weekend, and the casino and hotel staff were also amazingly pleasant folks during our entire stay. Unlike some other BJT venues we've been to in our short time at this game, they seemed actually grateful for our business and went that extra mile to make sure we were happy.

    Even without Deb's nice haul of Benjamins from the BJT, we enjoyed the weekend very much. Seeing "old" BJT friends such as BillyC, Schultzy, Alf, and others was a blast, and making new friends like Doug Olson, Pasman21 Steve, and quite a few others whom we already knew from this site was awesome, too.
    Despite the 520 mile commute to get there, we definitely plan to be back! :cheers:
  14. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Next event

    Us midwesterners must hope their October tourney doesn't conflict with St. Ignace (Oct. 2-4). I'm told the LV Hilton has events in October, also.

    Billy C
  15. doug olson

    doug olson New Member

    meskwaki october tournament

    Billy C I did try to pin point the october date for the tournament from bob one of the directors he said it would not be the first week in october for shure they have something else going on that week he said may be around the the 23rd but not shure may be even late september, the staff at meskwaki are top notch in every aspect, they all make shure every one is happy, Bob want's to hold a bigger event in the future around $250,000 Leftnut gave him rick jensons contact information for some help on getting it off the ground, hope it does happen would be great to be able to attend a tournament in the Midweat area for a huge pay out, time will tell
  16. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Big purse event

    Thanks Doug. That would be fantastic if they start this. I totally agree with you and LeftNut about the tourney staff at Meskwaki.
    They're not only exceptionally nice people but they seem determined to do things right!

    Billy C

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