Meskwaki (Tama, IA)

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Billy C, Apr 2, 2012.

  1. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Okay, being it's April now, what's the latest on their supposed April 27-29th event. Has anyone here entered and is it even a surety. I'm still not convinced that it is.:)

    Billy C
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  3. FBJeffy

    FBJeffy Member


    Billy i signed up a few days ago and seems like everyhting is a go!
    Billy C likes this.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member


    Anyone know the format/rules. Even if from past events.
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Even though I've played their events several times I've forgotten most of the details. One rule that I didn't forget is that you can take insurance at 100% of original bet rather than the typical "up to 1/2 of bet".
    When I entered this tourney (April 27th thru 29th) the girl I talked with said that they're taking up to 250 entrants and according to her it's filling up rapidly.
    For some reason, I question that but I do hope it's successful for them so that they can keep the events going on into the future.
    What really amazes me, is that after playing in probably the last 5 events there, I wouldn't even have known about this one if not for seeing it at this site.

    Billy C
  6. FBJeffy

    FBJeffy Member


    They say the tournament is filling fast, to fill the 250 players. My question is and I hope I don"t need to but is there any rebuys?
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    In the past they have always allowed rebuys, but they have only had so many spots available. A wild-card style drawing determines who gets to rebuy.

    I don't believe their "250 filling fast" story for a minute. Unless they are comping in a lot of locals, of course.
  8. FBJeffy

    FBJeffy Member

    Maybe because they cancalled last fall, they are filling fast there alot of Casino"s in the area that have weekly touraments and there normally full!
  9. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    I entered today

    From Billy C: "The girl I talked with said that they're taking up to 250 entrants and according to her it's filling up rapidly".
    For some reason, I question that"

    The young man who took my info told me that there are currently 36 of the $350 entry packages sold, 21 of the $200 tournament only entries, and there is some other number of entries (comped maybe?) that he couldn't give me a total on.

    Billy, your BS detector is working fine :D
  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  11. FBJeffy

    FBJeffy Member


    A whole lot of no details!!!!!!!!
  12. noman

    noman Top Member

    Just Put your lips together

    And blow smoke. Kiss. Give a bronx cheer OR CALL.
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member


    So, what happened?????
  14. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    In my opinion, it really wasn't bad----- and there were signs that bode well for the future.
    I'll elaborate when time allows.

    Billy C
  15. marichal

    marichal Member

    hey billy;

    will be waiting for your report.
  16. UncleAbe

    UncleAbe Member

    I'm curious how many signed up
  17. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    A few things------

    Roughly 100 original entrants BUT they allowed at least 3 (or 4?) re-buys for all at $50 a pop and that helped bring the total purse up to a little over 28k (first paid $12673)
    The newest tourney director is a fellow named Michael Tobias. Best news (my opinion) is that he sounds VERY committed to having at least two events per year. He said the next one will be "late summer" and he promised that all that played this one will receive invites well before the next event.
    When I have more time, I'll expand on this.

    Billy C
  18. smitty

    smitty Member

  19. smitty

    smitty Member


    There were 140 paid entrants plus rebuys.

    It was structured way different than past events. Wild cards were drawn for the third round seats and one wild card for the final table.

    Only five advanced to the final and with the wild card six played at the final table.

    Early rounds had 4-6 at a table with two advanced. Rebuys had 6 at a table and only one advanced.

    Information was very hard to come by. Old timers thinking the rules were the same as past events got fooled.

    Otherwise, the staff had friendly available to everyone and made things pleasant.

    The general concensus was not overall positive, low payouts, huge spread between first and third, only five advanced to the final table.

    A local gal won it, a local gal took second place. Third went to someone I was not familiar with and fourth went to a guy from Omaha. Fifth was a Wisc. guy, (Richard)? Sixth place was a younger guy from i do not know where, he lasted only a few hands and was gone.

    A lot of locals did not stay for the drawings and they called an endless list of names to fill the wild cards for the 3rd round seats. A lot of locals did not buy back either, the excitement wasn't there. It did not compare to the past events with a guaranteed first and 240 players, not even close.
    Billy C likes this.
  20. sweet william

    sweet william Member

    new td told me 143 entrys, don't know how many rebuys. they have never been good at promotion and this was one of the worst,web site that takes you nowhere,no rule posting,very little info anywhere. may get better with new management. we'll see. don't want to bad mouth anybody that is holding open touraments because they are getting rare and don't want to lose another. that being said, if they bring back free room and increase prize pool i will be back if not,probley not.
    i never got out of 1st round,rebuys were 1 advance, just to tuff for me!
    congrats to member bozo101 for making final table.
    Billy C likes this.

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