Meskwaki Tournament results

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by tgun, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. tgun

    tgun Member

    Bob, Ken, Destry and staff put on a great tournament this weekend at Tama, IA. A diverse group of players brought the tournament within 8 seats of capacity. All the regulars were joined by 20+ from Stl, 4 or 5 from KC, 6 or 7 from as far away as Seattle. The final had 3 from Stl, 3 locals, 1 (wild-card) from Seattle.
    Iggy from Seattle took the $20,000 first place, mainly from a second to last hand all-in which he won making him Br1 with $8,000+, all others were close with just less than $6,000. Most went all-in on last hand with 3 of those busting out. The only woman took 2nd she's from near Tama, Stl came in 4th Jim W., 6th Fred H., and 7th Rudy.

    We are all looking forward to their next tournament in April 2010.

  2. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    thanks for the quick results

    One edit - It was the Rocket Scientist from Wisconsin who came in fourth.
  3. cwspei

    cwspei New Member

    Thanks for posting results. It was a great tournament. Still don't care for unlimited bet on last five hands.
  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Were You There?

    cwspei, were you at the tournament? If so, that would make for an interesting discussion on here. We'd be interested in getting your impressions of the tournament, Iowa, the casino, the U.S. in general. Also why you traveled here, and if you're staying. :D
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations to all

    Congratulations to all the finalist and to the dominating St. Louis Mafia showing (3 players in the finals).

    I remember when Lou, Sue, T-gun, Swede21, jaybird, Ron, and a few other players from the St. Louis and St. Charles area were playing on Global player and I first nicknamed them "The St. Louis Mafia." Now it seems like a St. Louis Mafia member is always making a final table somewhere.

    Besides being good players they are very nice people whom I conceder friends and they support tournaments around the country with groups of 10 or more players in most cases.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2009
  6. tgun

    tgun Member


    Thanks for the edit jonny21. I hadn't met Rocket Scientist. I remember that he was very good player like most of you up north guys. I was glad to spend time with leftnut, Debbie, monkeysystem and billy c.

  7. cwspei

    cwspei New Member

    Yes sir I was there. I've played in all three since they first started having them. They do keep getting better as they have each one. Casino itself isn't bad at all, but it is a little out of the way. Reason I knew about tournament is I used to live 30 miles from there (am from Iowa originally).
    They also had a survey in the welcome packet to fill out. I did suggest they look at the unlimited bet rule to see what the other players feel. I am open to others thoughts on this.
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    The Meskwaki tournaments are the best-run open-entry events in the country, IMHO. At least, of all that I've played in. The lone exception might be last year's Winstar series, but that got all gunked up so it's off the chart now. Meskwaki's people were genuinely happy to see us there, went WAY our of their way to make everyone feel welcomed and appreciated, and treated us like kings and queens. These people should give seminars to tournament staff at other casinos who wonder why their entry counts are flat or even steadily dropping. These people "get it"!!!!!!

    Yes, Tx, they actually ask and listen to the players, as best as they can. Yes, they did pass out a survey and literally begged everyone to fill it out. Pretty complete one, too - it even asked if there were any travel problems related to area road construction! And here's the kicker. A situation arose where the tournament staff was unsure what to do, wanted to do that fairest thing for all. So they sought out advice from some who were not directly involved but were known to them as experienced tournament players. Monkeysystem and I happened to be in the hallway outside of the tournament room, were recognized, and so we were part of the group corralled for advice. Don't ask us what the question was, nor how we responded, nor how it turned out (we don't know the latter, anyway). But the fact that they were willing to admit that something unforeseen happened and that they wanted to Do The Right Thing by all of the players involved shows me that these folks want this tournament series to succeed.

    Right now, this series is the Holy Grail of open-entry BJT's. If you missed it, you blew it. But they're planning another one (very tentatively) for the last weekend of April. Don't blow your chance at this one again.
  9. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User



    Thanks for the info, if you say it is the best, it has to be!!;)

  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Shame on me

    Shame on me for neglecting to congratulate Iggy from the Seattle crew for converting his 1-in-200 (+/-) wild card draw into a nice fat win. Great job! Also, congrats to the St Louie Mafia members who made the final table.

    Sure was excellent to see "old" BJT friends there, meet new ones, and especially to meet those I'd never met face-to-face, whose thoughts I've read here and/or exchanged PM's with in the past. Meskwaki was damn near a convention! :D
  11. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    I heartily concur with everyone's posts about Meskwaki. They really did a great job and treated us like visiting dignitaries. If it was more than twice a year, we might have to seriously consider moving to Iowa lol. They set the bar awfully high for any tournament, open or invitational. It was also good to meet new bjt friends and reconnect with old.

    Iggy made us proud taking advantage of the miracle of the wild card draw. He was low chip with 4250 on the next to last hand, made imho a poor bet of split bank, but then had the cojones to double down on his 10 against the dealer 10. Obviously, it worked. Thank you Iggy for taking all seven of us to dinner afterwards to celebrate.

    I think it is safe to say that Seattle will have at least as large a contingent in April.
  12. marichal

    marichal Member

    simply, THE BEST. what a pleasure playing against some of my old friends and meeting such great people i had not met in person. a big highlite were the people of iowa, they are just super. the tourney is the best in the land. heads above all others.
    wtg igg, you did the northwest proud. thanks again meskwaki. i will always speak the best of you and cannot wait to return.
  13. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Our leader might attend?

    With all the rave reviews here, I'm predicting we'll see Ken Smith himself at a future Meskwaki event!!!!!!!!

    Billy C
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    That could definitely happen. You guys make it sound worth the trip.

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