Meskwaki Tournament suggestions

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Oct 5, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I've heard from several players about the Meskwaki tournament this past weekend, mostly all positive. However one thing that I was told impressed me more then anything else I heard about the tournament.

    Meskwaki actually was asking players for helpful suggestion to improve their future tournaments? Did I miss something, did Hell freeze over, are pigs flying? A casino actually asking for helpful suggestion, I hope it is for real and not just for show.

    Thumbs up to Meskwaki for the effort and if they actually listen to the players I'll give them two thumbs up.
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    First Rate Event!!!!

    I've played at a LOT of different tourney venues in the past 15-20 years and have to put Meskwaki at the top of my favorites list.
    The EV (or SV) is unmatched by any others and the entire tournament staff makes it a real pleasure to attend their events. Sara Jones not only does her job well but she has very competent help and EXTREMELY nice dealers working the tourneys.
    "Playable" games aren't plentiful in the casino but if you're diligent enough you can find opportunities. The restaurants even seemed to show some improvement this time.
    It was a real pleasure meeting tgun and ee4life for the first time along with lelihay (from Seattle). Also enjoyed conversing with many old acquaintences.
    Behind Iowa, Missouri was well represented by groups from both St. Louis and Kansas City. Minnesota sent several entrants as did Wisconsin and Washington. Illinois sent a handful, Michigan at least two and one guy I talked with was from Dallas. Could have been people there from other states too, that I'm not aware of.
    Even the bad economy won't slow the growth of this event if they keep doing things the "right way"
    Next one is April 2010.

    Billy C
  3. doug olson

    doug olson New Member


    BillyC did any tbj player"s make the final table I hope so shure did miss being there I am in colorado my son got married will ne there in april
  4. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    No BJT members on final table. Anyone know St. Ignace results?

    Billy C
  5. cwspei

    cwspei New Member

    Yes sir. This is true. They had a survey included in welcome packet that asked for suggestions. I made a copy of it and will see if I can post the questions to the forum. I do commend them for asking as well!

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