Meskwaki Tourny April, 2010

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Feb 3, 2010.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    This tournament entry fee includes rooms for 2 nights - April 23 & 24. The tournament is being held on April 24 & 25. So that means one would not have a room for the night of the final day of the tournament - April 25. Based on previous experience, can anyone tell me approximately what time the tournament ends on Sunday, April 25?
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    My memory may be a bit faulty, but here is what I remember from both of their BJT's last year.

    Spring - Seems like it got done about 4:30 or so. Not sure, we were pretty excited because Deb made her first final table in a live BJT.

    Fall - Due to a boo-boo on their part, they expanded the field to accommodate slight over-booking, and as a result it didn't finish up until about 6 or 7-ish.

    Getting a room comp for Sunday night isn't all that tough. For the Spring event, it snowed on Sunday afternoon and did a fine job of glazing the roads. As far as I know, the casino refused no BJT players who requested a room for that evening - rather than make them drive on those roads. For the Fall event, we decided to stay the extra night due to the later finish and they happily comped it. All we played was quarter VP (OK, a lot of quarter VP! :laugh:).

    By the way, is our esteemed Administrator going to put in an appearance? He was threatening to after the last one!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2010
  3. leilahay

    leilahay Member

    meskwaki sunday night

    We also were comped Sunday night for the fall. With two players sharing the room, they gave it (Sunday) to us when we registered. Sara said this time that if two share a room, the second player will get vouchers for 2 room nights. Their letter states that Sunday night will be $36 plus tax (for those not having a partner in the event), but as Leftnut says, they are fairly generous with comps. It looks like the Seattle contingent will be larger this time.
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    It does them little harm to comp Sunday night rooms, the place is very empty at that time.
    Some of the Seattle crew (and us) managed to ramp up their beverage sales rather nicely that evening! :p

    BY THE WAY - A very well-informed "bird on a wire" told me that Meskwaki has changed some of the rules in response to those surveys they passed out to the BJT players last time. High likelihood that the No Limit Last 5 Hands is gone altho there will probably be some form of increased limit for those hands.
    That's all I know so far, more later if I get more.
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    But I like the NO LIMIT on the last 5 hands. Then I don't have to think much, if at all. After you go to church in the morning, just go all in on the last 2 or 3 hands, keep your fingers crossed, don't walk under any ladders, and most important - don't cross paths with a black cat. It simplifies everything. :D
  6. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    You won't win with that stategy, toolman. You forgot not breaking any mirrors. :laugh:
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I registered for the April, 2010 event. Many on this site have praised this tournament with great fanfare so I hope it lives up to the standards they set. I updated the Calendar with a Telephone Extension number so making reservations will be a bit easier. As of the time of this posting, all 4 first round playing times are open.

    Here's hoping that most - make that all - of the BJTers go to the Fitz in Tunica that weekend. :D
  8. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Cancellation policy?

    Please refresh my memory. Is this the place with no refund for those that cancel? If so, I'll not enter right now but hope to still get in (even if toolman entered)!
    Also, LeftNut is correct about some rule changes. I've misplaced the letter I received about those things but it seems like she said the all in (last 5 hands) bet is gone. If my memory is correct, I think the max bet increases for last 5 but don't remember how much.
    If I find that letter, I'll clear this up with another post.
    Thanks toolman1 for the calendar listing. I was waiting (to find letter) for clarification of rule changes before I did it.
    You knew I'd have an excuse!:laugh::laugh::laugh:

    Billy C
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Afraid you're S.O.L. for that wish, Toolman. Seattle is sending a large contingent and the St. Louis Mafia will be well represented.
    Of us folks from the Frozen North, I know that myself, Deb, Monkeysystem, Schultzy, and BillyC will be gunning for the $20,000.

    You'd better bring your "A" game, because those with a "B" game will "B" gone! :p
  10. BROWNIE56

    BROWNIE56 New Member

    The way I read it:

    As to the refund policy: You can get a refund if you cancel prior to 9am on April 21st.
    As to the last 5 hands: You can bet up to twice the max bet, which is different in each round.
  11. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    OK. I can bet double the normal max bet in the last five hands. So let's look at this:
    I can get 4 times the normal max bet on the table during the last 2 hands without a DD or SPLIT.

    If a DD or SPLIT opportunity arises in one of the last 2 hands that means for the last 2 hands I can get a total of 6 times the normal max bet on the table.

    If a DD or SPLIT opportunity arises in both of the last 2 hands that means for the last 2 hands I can get a total of 8 times the normal max bet on the table.

    If I get a Blackjack while having a bet of double the normal max bet then I get paid 3 times a normal max bet.​


    I think the casino is pulling a fast one on the players making them think the casino is making the game better when in effect they are still setting the rules for the average player (me) to have a better chance against the seasoned player (the frozen North, St. Louis and Seattle).

    Bring on Seattle and St. Louis. I have no fear except for that damn black cat.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2010
  12. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member


    Just signed up for the tourney and they already have signed up THIRTY players! Not too bad for the first day! I have emailed them twice asking for a copy of the rules. Last year they were very good in getting me a copy and I posted it online, still no answer from them regarding the rule changes. I know in the past alot of the seasoned players complained about the all-in play. Looks like the casino is listening to the survey results.
    Last edited: Feb 5, 2010
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Besides the ALL IN bet rule, what other changes are they making?
  14. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    That's what we don't know yet, awaiting a response from tournament management.
  15. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    Meskwaki Registration for Apr 2010

    As of 5 pm today (02/05) the online event center is now accepting ticket orders for the tournament. (click "entertainment" then "ticket sales" )

    As everyone admits to attendance make sure to include what time you registered for the qualification round.
    That will help those of us registering late decide when we stand the best chance of advancing on a single buy-in.

  16. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I signed up for noon. So if you want to increase your chances of being seated at a table with a ploppy... sign up for noon.:D
  17. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member


    I didn't see Toolman's post regarding which extension to call. I was transferred all over the casino. They had me in the pit, poker room, and finally to Club Meskwaki. Really nice people in Iowa, you just have to talk slow and sometimes repeat things. :laugh: The folks in Iowa are used to being the butt of jokes from Minnesotans. One of the funniest things I ever saw was after a Gopher/Iowa football game the Hawkeye fans were trying to carry the GOALPOST through the revolving doors of the Metrodome! :laugh:

    My only MINOR complaint with the registration is that your credit card is immediately charged the $200 entry fee. Meanwhile at St. Ignace we can sign up, but are not charged until the week of the tournament.
  18. BROWNIE56

    BROWNIE56 New Member

    The only other change I noticed was a $36 hotel rate for the third night.

    As for the rules, they haven't made it out of the print shop yet.
  19. smitty

    smitty Member


    The extension is 2230. Takes you right to the people who will have you registered in a couple of minutes if you have been to the tournament before.

    Now you Northern folk know how to get it done.

    See you at noon, I'm too lazy to get up early anymore. And I do wish everyone the best of luck, without luck none of us get very far.

  20. Sandy Paws

    Sandy Paws Member

    The dates for the Fitz tournament in Tunica have changed.

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