Mesqwaki Tournament-One of the best.

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by cwspei, Nov 2, 2009.

  1. cwspei

    cwspei New Member

    Many posts on here about the quality of the Mesqwaki Blackjack Tourneys (now being held bi-annually). I have been to all three and they keep improving each time! The last tourney (Oct 4-5) they actually had a survey in each registration packet to fill out at the end of the tourney to get feedback. A quality group who is comitted to players! Here is most of the survey questions.

    1. How long did it take you to get here?
    2. Did you gamble while you were here? Was the staff accomodating?
    3. Did you visit any other venues offered at Mesqwaki? Was the food offered acceptable? Were the accomodations (hotel, spa, ect) acceptable?
    4. Have you played in our tournament before?
    5. Have you played in other high dollar tounaments at other casinos?
    6. How was the meet and greet?
    7. Was the tourney run professionally? Were the rules explained satisfactorily? What rules would you like to see changed? Do you feel the tourney package was a good value?
    8. Overall how would you rate your experience at our facility?

    Next Tourney at Mesqwaki is tentatively planned for April. If you can make is well worth the trip. If they continue to run the tourney as they have in the past as well as be open (and proactively seek feedback) from players it will only continue to get better!

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