Message to ClubUBT - Cancel My Membership!

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TedinNaples, Jan 15, 2008.

  1. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    After reading Joe Pane's most recent post on the LVA forum, I decided that I've had enough of giving money to the Club -- an organization with one spokesperson who treats its customers, and potential customers, like crap. Here's my email to Maybe if enough people -- customers and prospects alike -- send emails like the one below, the club will smarten up and send a true representative of their firm to post on the two forums.

    It’s really hard for me to believe that the one public spokesperson you have – Joe Pane – is allowed to post and say what he does without ClubUBT telling him to cool it. His posts and rants have been vile and nasty to paying customers like myself, as well as for many of the hundreds of people who read the Las Vegas Advisor forum. Since nothing has been done to stop him, I have made the decision to not support the Club with any further monetary outlays at this time. Please do not charge my credit card anymore for the monthly fee. My screen name is TedinNaples. Please confirm via email that you have canceled my account.

    Below is just one example of how he is representing your firm – posted a few hours ago and directed at a well-spoken, professional, and open-minded ClubUBT member. Funny, that right below the nasty graphic, is Joe’s signature of “ClubUBT ROCKS”. Most companies I know would not allow this form of public humiliation of actual and potential customers.
    -----Joe's post (graphic did not copy here so I included the text from it)
    Toonces and the rest of the Pot Stirrers here try this on for size.
    Graphic with text: "I tried to see things from your point of view...But I couldn't get my head that far up my ass."

    Well, as I was writing this post, I get an email from ClubUBT. No wonder they aren't profitable. I send an email that warrants a personal reply, and all I get is:
    Thank you for contacting us.
    To cancel your paid account please go to your “my account” page and click on the link that says cancel membership.
    In case you weren't aware, you can still play the free tournaments if you don't want to pay the fees for membership. To do so, all you need to do is click on "Play Chips" in our application and register for games as you always have. We hope you will continue to enjoy playing these games if you decide paid the Club membership is not for you.
    Please feel free to contact us if you have any additional questions.

    So I get a canned script, including the mistaken sentence: if you decide paid the Club membership

    It won't end there. I will reply to robot Albert and ask that he really read my message and send it to his manager. Stay tuned.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Ted, Its sad it has come to this as I will be pulling my membership on Jan 22 if the customer service at ClubUBT doesnt apologies to me in open forum. Perhaps I will use the Free Play as brought to our attention of late. But, sad it is. All this time we could have been talking about the fun we are having at ClubUBT. Instead it ends like this. I remember a Black Crows song "Never mention the word addiction, in certain company" The games are addicting, but the actions of this company are unacceptable. The game isnt worth it. I, like you, can not support these ways. I can only say to ClubUBT and UBT, the word sorry has great power.
  3. Pot Stirrer

    Pot Stirrer New Member

    It's About Time

    Why would you continue to give money to a company that has done the following:
    Lied to players about when their television shows would air?
    Lied to players about bonuses?
    Refused to provide timely refunds after cancelling their tournaments?
    Refused to provide information in a timely manner if at all?
    Ignored obvious evidence that their game wasn't seating players in a random manner?
    Allowed a representative to bully and insult customers with valid questions?
    Leaked customer service emails to a representative who used them to defame and intimidate others?

    This list of UBT lies and offensive conduct could go on and on. What took you so long?
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    BTW, a little related topic here. ClubUBT customer service has another posted instance of email not getting thru. Remember, CS at ClubUBT handed my info to a what looks like a surrogate who then called me a liar in open public forum even tho I was telling the truth. CS tells me there is nothing wrong with the system. Todd is the 4th instance of emails not getting thru. fwiw. The beat goes on.
  5. TedinNaples

    TedinNaples New Member

    Conversation with Customer Svc Mgr

    Back in September, I had a long conversation with the Customer Service Manager at ClubUBT -- Tommy. It was a very pleasant exchange of thoughts, ideas and requests. Well, after a few email exchanges today, Tommy asked if we could speak on the phone again, and we did.

    And once again, it was a very pleasant conversation. I got to bring up the club's "communication" issues many of us post about. And he agreed. I brought up specific instances where a simple explanation and/or apology from an "official" club spokesperson would have gone a long way in assuring club members that the club was still offering $100,000 in prizes per month, that the cruise was still happening (albeit with fewer than 104 winners), and that the reason for fewer cruises being offered was based on customer feedback. And other issues were brought up in the area of "communication" as well.

    Tommy agreed that it would benefit everyone if the club would have an official spokesperson post on this forum and the lva forum. Whether that will happen, he could not promise anything immediately transpiring. He did, though, see the benefit of it.

    And he agreed that the uncalled for nastiness that goes back and forth in the UBT and Club UBT threads does no one any good. So we hope to see a change in that in the very near future.
  6. toonces

    toonces Member

    It looks like that change may have already occurred.
  7. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I had the same thought. A refreshing lack of attacks & name-calling going on.
    Actually, a lack of anything going on "over there"!
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when the order came down, the gag order LOL.
  9. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    It should be better, but it never will be. From the sponsors page promising trips to vegas if you sign up there, to a book that was never sent, to the bonus, to sharing of personal info, to rebuilding the playground after one day of peace. Its a system. It should be better, but never will be.

    Its a long way from Kansas to Vegas Dorothy. Lets us know if you like what you see.

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