Michael Vick & Blackjack

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by fgk42, Aug 28, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Unless you’ve been living in a hole in the wall lately it’s been hard to miss the case the Feds have brought against Michael Vick. Yesterday Vick was in federal court to admit his part in an interstate dog-fighting ring, as well as helping kill pit bulls that didn't perform well. He also admits to bank rolling the fights, but says he never bet on them.

    Right off the bat I want to say – GOOD. Dog fighting is not bad it’s terrible. I can not and will not condone any way, shape or form of animal mistreatment. PERIOD. End of discussion on that portion.

    Vick originally declared his innocence but thanks to his “friends” who turned over on him Vick coped a plea. Here’s the question – who else is involved? Remember this was an inter-state dog fighting league. There was LOTS of money involved. Were there other football players involved also?

    Now what does this case have to do with Blackjack? Well Michael Vick had to be aware that what he was doing with the dogs was illegal didn’t he? How about playing online tournament blackjack? If and when UIGEA becomes official where will that place those players who play online night after night?
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    When it comes to things like dog or cock fighting we need to understand there are cultural ramifications. These mostly having to do with rank and standing in the tight society or neighborhoods. I have actually been to a couple "dog farms" where the dogs are raised to be killers. Some are sold to fight some are sold to walk down the street with as a tool to show standing. If you were to walk in a field where people of Mexico are working today you would find a totally different perspective on this matter. Its all about culture and what the elite see as regressive behavior. This Saturday I will be hunting dove and killing as many as I can even that above the legal limit. If I get bored I will kill a crow or two. The San Francisco elite will see me as a Vick. I will see it as part of my culture something that has been with me since I can remember. My favorite country band is Montgomery Gentry, try to find the video "You do your thing Ill do mine" http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=4473858974428123996

    This is just the first hit on "dog fighting cultural" you could find loads Im sure. Personally Im not a fan of dog fighting but I do understand the root of the matter as to why some accept it.
    Last edited: Aug 28, 2007
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    your points about cultural standards are true - there is a great show on History International called Taboo.

    However my question is this: Did Michael Vick know that dog fighting was illegal? Of course.

    Now playing online BJ and poker - while it isn't illegal should we, as players, look at what is happening to Vick in the Federal case and be concerned/worried?

    Using YOUR argument I could say, well my grandpoppie and his poppie and his poppie gambled so it's ok for me to run the local numbers game in my city. That wouldn't fly in a courtroom and Michael Vick needs to (my opinion) take the ramifications of his illegal activities.

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