Midwest Weekly Tournament Tour

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by ee4life66, Jul 9, 2009.

  1. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    Billy C is correct cheeseheads, gophers and hawkeyes got it pretty nice.


    Mondays is a $5K at Grand Casino in Hinkley MN with a $2K first.
    Tuesdays is a $5K at St. Croix Casino in Turtle Lake WI with a $2K first.
    Wednesdays is a double-header starting with $1.4K at Little Six in Prior Lake, MN in the morning for a $720 first and a $1.4K at Diamond Jo’s in Northwood IA for the evening with a $550 first.
    Round out the week on Thursday at Ho-Chunk in Baraboo WI, Rhythm City in Davenport IA or Catfish Bend in Burlington IA.

    It makes a player want to turn pro and join a tour … anybody got a bus? If you had a great week you could pull down almost $5K in tournament profit. Problem is cold streaks get expensive fast.

  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Purse size

    The events you mention are all in the "mini" category which makes them prohibitive when a long drive is involved but they're great if you're close-by (incidentally, Ho Chunk has stopped their weeklies for the summer months).
    I was thinking of bigger purse events that justify a longer drive (see event calendar for July 19th Ho Chunk tourney).
    Hope to see you there!

    Billy C
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Midwest tourneys

    Billy C.
    Your list is comprehensive. Baraboooooo is accessible.. Have a card but, with no regular play get no notice. Always thought of St. Ignace, but was afraid of no place to stay and no allowoable entry with postings about restrictions. Plus thought that was the made tourney for BJ Sweetie.

    Monkey, Monkey, Monkey, from all the posts in the past, really thought you were older. Thought you were the debonoir gentleman in Lake Las Vegas and Pro Players who kicked my AXX. Now that I know who you are, I'm still afred.

    Though I must say not only Toolman outdueled me. I must state for all that Left Nut is patient, disciplined and strategic.No wonder he raked up the recored he has. Plus for he and Angle to drive the three and half hours, not speeding ,to participate is a commitement.

    Ya'll see, from other posts, the casinos, no matter,(here's to you TOOL) want action. and that's what will happen at Four Winds. They've had invitationals for their playas all along. These monthlies are to get more in. Maybe those that show up enough at the monthlies will get in the bigger paying invitationals, until one playa wins too often. Then you get banned.Happens all the time.

    And not to be a putz, but after I figured out who Tool, Left and Angle were, I was too embarrassed by my play to "introduce" myself. No one wants to be laughed at. As Rookie knows, how many times that three legged goat has been laughed at.
    And if Left remembers and gets upset, I wasn't playing him, I was just playing.

    To an old TX post, or posts: There was a lot or luck going on there. saw many a chip leader just going full bore.
    And don't know if your a member or not, but the lady, who bar a booed quite a bit, and took the low and messed with left, kudos
  4. doug olson

    doug olson New Member

    midwet tourneys

    sigh me up for the bus tour it can happen I played at turtle lake casino on tuesday the 7th won first place got $2,238.00
    played at little six on the 8th made final table got a whopping $75.00 oh well a nother final table for the year

    went on to hinkley's monthly tournament on the 9th got in the final again believe it or not all 7 of us agreed to chop the pot of$7,830.00
    what a great week the black jack god shure was looking out for me

    grand total of $3,431.57 if I can do it many other people can also never give up I must give Ken Smith a lot of credit after reading his e book a couple of times over and over it made me a much better player thank's Ken
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Nice to hear of your success Doug. Keep those wins coming! Congrats.
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Great news, Doug, and I couldn't be happier for you! Love to hear when someone we have met & know from here, and has been grinding it out in smaller tournaments, sees deserved success. :band:
    Oh, so you must have been the guy on my right at that semi-final table! No, of course I'm not upset at all, and you have nothing to be embarrassed about. IMHO you played like a champ! One of my tasks at a BJT table is to figure out who the "chalk" is (best player at the table). Only took me about 3 hands to decide it was you. Wish we could have hung around and chatted some more afterwards, but as it was we didn't get to sleep until about 2AM and those 5:30AM alarms weren't welcomed at all. Next time, flag us down and say hello!!!
    You're right, she made a great bet considering her abysmal situation. At the time I thought she messed me up, too, but soon realized that she actually helped me by significantly narrowing my range of good bets. Too bad I still managed to screw it up. :laugh:

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