Min? Max? Last Hand, On Button

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by mica, Jun 8, 2011.

  1. mica

    mica New Member


    If anyone (or more) has time to critique my play....I would really appreciate the help!

    If two players are tied for first place going into the final hand and one of the players has to bet first.....should the player bet min. or max?

    Here is the situation:

    Min. $25, Max. $500, cash prizes for top 3 places. Unfortunately, the button was on me for the last hand :(

    There were 3 players out of 9 left at the table. If only 1 more player had stayed in the game, I would have had a much better chance.

    ---> me: BR $1,600, bet $500, T7, lost, ($1,100)
    player #2 : BR $1,600, bet $25 TT won ($1,625)
    player #3 : BR $900, bet $500, T9 won ($1,400)

    Dealer had T8

    If I could do it over, I would have bet the minimum to secure 2nd place, unless the 3rd split or doubled.



  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    In this case you still have BR3 to worry about. If he gets all his money working with a split or double, he can go to $1800, so you would like to bet more than $200 for that reason. (If there were no third player still in the match, I would bet the minimum from the button here.)

    I like a bet of $275 here. The other player with $1600 may well just push a max bet out, and you'll be able to double if it appears likely he will win a single bet. (After you bet $275, his best bet would be actually slightly less than that, anything between $205 and $270.)
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
    mica likes this.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Agree with Ken 100%. This is a great example of why button position on the last hand is so important.

    Player #2 got incredibly dumb-lucky. That was close to the worst bet possible under the circumstances yet the cards handed it to him on the proverbial silver platter.
    mica likes this.

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