Mini BJ Tournament

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Mr. T, Mar 8, 2007.

  1. Mr. T

    Mr. T New Member

    The casino ship in which I am a regular has a weekly mini mini BJ tournament. It cost $50 to enter and you are given tournament chips to play. The first price is about $600 depending on the number of players.
    I entered the my first tournament about a year ago thinking I am smart as I could play almost perfect BS whereas BS is almost unheard of in the casino.
    I was knock out in the first round and the woman who has never played BJ before split her 10's in the first round. Well you guess it, that woman won first price. That really cheese me of and I never tried the tournament again.
    Now that Ken has shown that BJ tournament is a game of skill I am thinking of trying it again.
    But in the tournament here there is no max bet so you bankroll is you max bet. How different is this from a set max bet.
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    That changes to the game. The luck factor becomes larger. The key to winning this type of tournament is to be BR1 going into the last hand. Solid tournament strategy must be naturally be applied to the last hand but most of the time, if you are BR1, you will just push out all your chips. This will give you about a 44% probability of winning the table.

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