Mirage - Any tournaments?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Jul 7, 2005.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I will be in Vegas at the end of this month (July, 2005) :D and was told by a friend that the Mirage is hosting a BJ tournament around that time. Nothing is listed on their web site or on this site's "Event Calendar".

    Does anyone have any information - dates, qualifications, etc.? Any information would be helpful. Thanks.
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    End of the month

    I am not sure about the Mirage, but the Stardust is have one then. PM me if you want to get in that one.
  3. S. Yama

    S. Yama Active Member

    try this

    Yes, Mirage has bj tourney 07-22/23 $350K total prize pool.
    I believe it is a heads-up type.
    As well, MGM has one the following weekend.
    They are invitational. Different tournaments have different qualifying criteria.
    For most of them (not the exclusive ones) you will need average bet of +$200, and they are sticklers on 8 hours of play - it covers two days of stay but you can get away staying there for three days.
    Top bac tourneys require $100K or $250K credit line and corresponding play (2% of credit).
    There are three "L" mitigating factors: lifetime Looser, a trip Looser ($10K for a trip for mid-range tourney), and prospective Looser (if they perceive you as potential looser).
    They may look at your theoretical and for second tier tourneys it usually is 3,000.
    Also depending who do you know/talk to you may get in once (or more often) based on your good play at other properties or if they are not sold out on a trial bases (especially for the invites where you still need to pay an entry fee).
    Also, Mirage has $75K cash giveaway on 07-29/30.

    S. Y.
  4. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Right On Yama!

    Under the MGM corporate guidance, the main criteria for invitation to tournaments for any of their properties has now become your ability to demonstrate that you are a consistent long term loser.
    Welcome to the world of MGM casinos' view of fairness and fairplay. :flame: :flame: :flame:
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    S. Yama's the man!

    Thanks Yama, if anybody will know about a tournament it's you. You are the Man! Also thanks for all your expert advice you share with all of us here.

    You have really got every game down to a science in tournament play. I want to know when you're going to write your book? It would have to be a must for every tournament player around.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Looks like its out of my league

    Thanks for the responses. I suspected their live play requirements would be too stiff for me. I guess that's life - what a bummer. :mad:

    You seam to be down on MGM casinos - I definitely understand!

    TXtourplayer is right on in the above comment about you. If we are ever at the same table, please request the seat to my right - otherwise I may have to forfeit. :eek:

    Thanks for the offer to help. I am already signed up for the Stardust, that's why I was looking for other tournaments during that time period. I assume you will be at the Stardust - see you there - and you must sit to my right also.

    Good luck to you all and have a great day. :D
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Don't Sit Next To Him Or Instagator

    Actually you really don't really want to be sitting on either side of Txtourplayer "Rick".This has nothing to do with his skill level is just when he starts chewing and spitting the players on either side of him need a shower.Sitting next to Rick is the same as sitting next to Instagator "Chuck" there will be some sort of explosion or implosion.As they say "Sit at your own risk" :laugh:
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Styrofoam Cup Trick

    Saw TXtourplayer on the WSOBJ with his "styrofoam cup trick" - cool! My dad was a snuff chewer and I'm glad to see the art is not lost. :celebrate

    Speaking of the instigator, is he friends with Surrender Y.? If so, I may have been between them at a table at the Stardust tournament last May, 2005. Can't be sure since I don't know what he (the instigator) looks like.
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    You would know !!!!

    If you sat next to Instagator you would "KNOW" its a once in a life time experience.Food stains all over his shirt empty candy wrappers on the floor near his feet.Large and small gas explosions every 30-45 seconds.So if none of these conditions were present you were not sitting next to him.

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