MIsguided post

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by toolman1, Nov 12, 2006.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    This is in response to your misguided post, directed to discredit me, that you made under “For the record” on 11/12/06. You implied that I am violating the suggestions I laid down for helping this site survive.

    The statement you quoted was made on 11/12/06 at 3:57pm. It was in jest and in response to what I considered a very funny post by another member. After my post I saw Ken Smith’s post about the “crud” on this forum. This was a wake up call for me and I saw the error of my ways. Then at 7:46pm on 11/12/06 I posted my 14 point opinion on how to return this site to it’s original purpose. In that post I said: “I agree we have been pushing things too far and indeed, we have crossed the line and yes, that includes me – guilty as charged”.

    So you see, I admitted I was wrong. I never said I was a Saint or “holier than thou”. No need to bring up what I did or what you did or what anyone else did in the past. It’s over. When Ken made his posting it was over. If we don’t heed his implied warning, this site will be over. Now if we can move on with improving this site and quit posting “crud” we can accomplish something.
  2. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I think you are over reacting....

    No one elected you to design any points...in fact your points may be this undescribed crud..

    Post some tournament info....maybe thats the ticket...

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