Monday Night game at

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Aug 14, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Registration opened. Curious to see if we can keep the prize pool up with so many on the cruise. Hope it is above 20 players and very well could be with an expanding player base. A few new names I have noticed of late.

    BTW, My new avatar is dedicated to Reach. I think he might be the lead singer of my fav heavy metal rock band!

  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Don't like rock!

    I'll try and stay up for it if I can but it's unlikely I'll make it. Working very hard lately! Incidentally has anybody else found slow going lately? I've been on a couple of times recently and I've noticed that when a particular group of players are online the game goes really slowly. Plus I can't understand a word they are saying but that doesn't really bother me.

    Sorry to disappoint Barney but I am not a rock god. My avatar, as Andy will probably recognise, is a certain Peter Stringfellow, renowned nightclub and strip bar owner, lothario, and poster boy for the over-60's male thong! If you dare, click this link ( to see what the fuss is all about.


  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    "" Incidentally has anybody else found slow going lately? >Reach<"""

    Yes Rech, Pergo and I found it very slow when you won a 500$ bet to start a game and then vanished without signing off. We had to fight and claw until we were penniless as we watched your timer countdown hand after hand. Seriously, if it is a live multi tournament game has made it a policy to disconnect the player with a bad internet connect. It only takes a bad connect to slow the game as far as dealer speed. Bear posted the rule a few days ago.

    BTW, Judas Priest is the best British band ever and my avatar represents album British Steel. Bar none! You should feel privileged I confused you for their lead singer, Rob Halford. I should have known you were not he, because you have claimed to be married to a woman, Rob is into guys!

  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Ctrl Alt Del

    Mr Rubble

    I remember that game well. Unfortunately my computer crashed during and I was faced with the blue screen of death! Apologies for inconvenience caused. Did I win?

    Alas I am not nor was I ever a metal fan. I did go through a phase of Jimi Hendrix and Led Zep (who surely are a far greater band then JP ever were) but that was about it. My music tastes are thoroughly modern and "with it" as I refuse to let my late teens/early 20's fade away from memory quite yet. You wouldn't like it though; no guitars!


  5. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    Congats Mr Stone, on your win at the monday night tourny at Blackjack21 and thanks for keeping derf distracted:D
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2006
  6. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Alas I KNEW there was an organized plot! Drat it foiled again!

    Great playing Barney and Pergo. It's good to see more and more people playing

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