Monkey BJ Insider

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by creeping panther, Jan 10, 2009.

  1. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Congrats to Monkeysystem for his fine article on Ignace and the BJ tourney that is held there 3 times a year. The article is in the latest "BJ Insider".

    BTW, Joseph is doing fair and hopes to make the next tourney as he loves seeing all his friends and really loves Ignace.

    And Billy C, that is "BJ INsider", not "BJ Insideher" :laugh::laugh:

    Good job Monkey.;)

  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    I haven't seen Monkey's article yet . Knowing him, I'm sure it's good!
    Will CP participate at St. Ignace in March? Hope so.
    I've been working on toolman1 a little, trying to get him back up there. Not encouraging at this point but I haven't given up on him yet.
    I expect this one to fill up fast (bad economy and all). Peggy usually puts a ceiling at around 150 entrants, I think.
    It's been noted here by many (including myself) that they feel this is the best offering in "tourney world".
    Actually, the biggest overlay factor in this one is something unwise to post here. Anyone that has ever placed in this one can tell you what it is by PM.

    Billy C
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    On the subject of getting me to St. Ignace:
    Among other things, I don't care much for their attitude of treating those who don't frequent the casino more often than just tournaments as "second class". Also, waiting days - sometimes weeks - on end for them to return a call for a tournament reservation does not set well with me. But that may be overcome some day by my wife's persistence to once again taste the huge waffles available on Mackinac Island. That would get a "monkey" off my back and worth a trip in itself! :D
  4. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    I'm surprised at that. I've only been there for tournaments and have been treated acceptably. Only exception to that was one of the front desk people (hotel) one time that didn't have a clue. The tournament personnel has always been nice to me and I have no extra clout.

    Billy C
  5. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    What I mean is that I think I should be able to get a room in the "new" hotel for convenience sake (albeit cheaply constructed and has design flaws) if I would register early enough although I am not a high roller but my play history shows that I do give side action when attending a tournament. Speaking of the hotel, I guess you haven't heard about things like Joseph's problem of getting a room for the handicapped or at least a room that is elevator accessible because he does not play enough to warrant such "special" treatment while the Tribe professes to do such good things for humanity. :rolleyes:
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I can't comment on Monkey's BJinsider article, for reasons that'll be obvious one you see it..... :eek:

    Does anyone know when the sign-up will start for the March BJT?
  7. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    For all of the Kewadin tourney's you can call the 1st of the month, prior to the tourney. So February 1st, we can call and register. As most of you know it's changed and now it's not a first come first serve basis. A good friend of mine who played there for a couple of years, wasn't allowed back in October. He never redeemed the coupon for two-hours of live table play during his prior visit.

    By the way, NICE article MonkeySystem! Congrats!
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Did you see that Billy C. They would not let me in if I tried. Can't go to Mackinac Island anyway so what's the sense.

    In all fairness, only requiring 2 hours of live table play over a 3 day period is not a terribly big requirement. As a matter of fact, I think its quite small.
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK - I'll certainly agree that it was an excellent article - good job, Monkey!
    I do have doubts about your comments regarding certain people, though..... :laugh:

    As far as not being able to enter future tournaments, Deb and I haven't had any problems even with my distaste for table games. Running somewhere between $30K and $40K through those infamous dollar 9/6 JoB video poker machines each time probably helped.

    By the way, toolman, we took a friend there last October, he'd never set foot in the place but his entry was accepted with no question. You should at least give it a try.
  10. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    I should say that it is stated to be two hours of CONSECUTIVE table play. Toolman, I don't think there is any question that you would be allowed to play. When my friend tried to sign-up, they pointed out to him that he didn't redeem his table play coupon. They didn't and don't want players just showing up to the play in the tourney and doing nothing else. Like LeftNut, I too had another friend play for the first time in October, he was able to sign up without any problem. A first-timer will get in the tourney, but if you don't give them any side action all bets are off what will happen when you try and sign-up for the next tourney.
  11. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Talk To Deanne

    All you have to do is talk to Deanne, the host for the tournament. When I played there last summer all they did was go back in their records to check my wife's and my play history. I hadn't been there for almost nine months previously. I arrived there on Friday afternoon and sat down in front of a dollar VP slot for a little while to pass the time before the tournament registration table opened. This play was considered to be during the tournament. I know I'll have no problem getting in again.

    Thanks, guys, for the compliments on my article. :D
  12. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I need a little clarification from both LeftNut and Schultzy. You friends that got into the October tournament without prior live action, did they have reservations for the tournament before they arrived at the casino or were they accepted as "last minute" entries? Also, if they had reservations before arriving at the casino, how far in advance of the tournament date were they notified that their entry was accepted?
  13. Schultzy

    Schultzy New Member

    Yes, they made reservations prior to the tourney. My guess is that it was a couple of weeks before. I only know of the one person who wasn't allowed back, so it could be an isolated incident. I failed to mention that individual made the final table in his previous visit and then was told three months later that he couldn't play there again. He was told in so many words that he never redeemed his table play coupon. It's really too bad, because he wife was belly-up at the slot machine for three days!
  14. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Toolman, I signed up my friend during the same phone call as I signed up Deb and I, perhaps two weeks (+/-) before the event. There was no problem, all 3 entries were accepted during that call.

    Schultzy's story of the guy who didn't use his table play coupon while his wife was pounding away at the slots is a great example of why a couple should consider having linked slot cards, or even two cards to the same account with one name (the BJT player) on them. Shame on that guy for not giving back any side action when he made the final table, but that linked account might have prevented his being effectively barred from future events.

    By the way, St. Ignace will also let you redeem your two-hour coupon on slot play after accumulating a certain number of points, a level easily reached in 15 or 20 minutes of dollar VP play.
  15. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Many casinos - probably most - do not permit "linked" player cards. And often if they are linked the only benefit is that each person can use the other's credits to get comps like a free meal. Unless a couple needs their own credits for some reason, the S.O.P. should be that the person that could get the most benefit from higher play should simply get a duplicate card. Then the other person should then use that duplicate card in all slots whenever he/she plays. If they are of the same sex, then they can even do that at table games as long as only one person is playing table games in the casino at a time (both can play slots at the same time). I've been having my wife use my card in slots for years and it really helps getting recognized for comps and privileges. Makes you look like a more valued player to your casino host also. :D

    Back to the subject of St. Ignace. Thanks for the info - Schultzy and LeftNut. However, Mackinac Island will be closed in March which means that my wife cannot get her special waffle. So I'll pass on the upcoming March event at St Ignace. Best of luck to you guys and all others that play this event.
  16. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User



    Please be aware that you can make your own waffles in the morning at Ignace and it is free to tourney players, at the breakfast buffet.:gaga:

    They also on Sunday brunch will make you a custom omelet to order that along with the waffle should put a big :) on your face.

    So....come to the BJ tourney and see all your friends.;)

  17. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    In my wife's eyes, nothing can hold a candle to the waffles available on Mackinac Island. I would not even try to convince her otherwise. If you try, be ready for a resounding rejection! :eek: :D :eek:

    As for the breakfast buffet at St. Ignace, it is indeed very good. It ranks right up there at the top with few others.
  18. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    Toolman, I am confused by your statement that most casinos "don't permit" linking of cards. I have several that are linked, which I didn't know was an option untill they offered it. And many others that are not linked, only because I requested they not link them. Did I get special treatment then?

    PS - Monkey, it would have been a perfect article but we won't name name's about why it wasn't :laugh:
    Last edited: Jan 11, 2009
  19. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    No special treatment. Some do and some don't. And when they are linked it does not necessarily mean that they combine the play of both players in determining offers. There are no "standard" rules and the word "linked" often means different things to different casinos. What I don't understand is why have some of your player cards linked at some casinos and not linked at other casinos - why not be consistent?
  20. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I believe I know what you're referring to. I forgot to send in a correction until too late... :eek:

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