Monte Carlo

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 25, 2008.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just heard the Monte Carlo in Vegas caught fire today, haven't heard anymore about it. Anyone esle hear any thing more?
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2008
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Yeah, it's all over the news wires.

    Click on "Investigation Begins" to the right of the playback screen.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Thanks Leftnut, we just heard one news story here in New Orleans and then we all headed over for dinner. Nice turnout for the party, around 45 people showed up for the pre cruise dinner.

    Tonight is the first night of Pre-Mardi Gras and the music is blasting and streets getting crowded.
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Glad to help!

    You're quite welcome. :D

    Here's another link to about 2 1/2 minutes of video, excellent view from some distance (helicopter shot) and zooming in to see the crap falling from the facade, as well as the firemen on the roof bravely doing what they do.

    Hope all of you enjoy your cruise, and the best of cards, skill, and good fortune to all.

    It's snowing like crazy here again. Hope y'all have a good time. :p
  6. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    What cruiselines are they going on today? Is it carnival Fantasy?
  7. mociferous

    mociferous Member

    Yes, Pinklady. Carnival Fantasy. We are in New Orleans for it. It was VERRRYY cold and pouring down rain for the parade last night here, but we HAD to stand out and watch it. I got LOTS of bead necklaces as they threw them from the floats. After the dinner with everyone, Randy (Jhawk505) and I went to Bourbon Street and Randy ESPECIALLY enjoyed viewing the PROPER way of obtaining beads (young women only). Only in New Orleans! :eek:
  8. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    Oh ok.. Cool... My sister is on that ship with you guys!!!!!!

    Hope you all enjoy it...
  9. themom82

    themom82 New Member

    What is her name


    I am on the cruise and just saw your email. What is your sisters name? If you email her before Thursday AM let here know to look us up. I am going to the beach tomorrow in Cozumel with a lot of our group.

    Having a great time. Wish you were all here.

    FYI - in our 1st tournament on Sunday we had a family of 3 - Mother, Father and Dughter at the final table. I will let Rick post all the rest of the standings. It was a great tournament!

    Tammy (themom82)
  10. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    Her name is Brandy... I dont believe she play any but she might... her husband is Tate.... they are cruising with my mother... Wonder if you could give her my message tell them I love them and have a great time.... do I need to give you the last name or how can I get in touch them or you make a sign... by the way if you do make a sign.. you can write her nick name which is BEE!!!!! and also from Angela her big sister!!!!!

    Thanks I appreciated it!!!!

    I hope to hear from you soon today...

    I will check it all day ..

    Have fun...
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  12. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

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