More Bad News For Griffin

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Oct 28, 2005.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Griffin Investigations, Inc. bankruptcy meeting of creditors held

    The 341 meeting of creditors was held Wednesday in Bankruptcy Court in Las Vegas. The creditors' attorneys who appeared were Bob Nersesian and Thea Sankiewicz for judgment creditors James Grosjean and Michael Russo, and an attorney for the law firm that is owed over $106,000 for representing Griffin Investigations, Inc. in the Grosjean/Russo suit. No other creditors appeared.

    Thea Sankiewicz conducted a thorough examination of Beverly Griffin. There may be some controversy about the existence or non-existence of loans between the Griffins and the bankrupt corporation, as well as rent payments allegedly owed by the corporation to Beverly Griffin.

    Griffin's bankruptcy filings show declining gross revenue in the last three years. Beverly Griffin stated that the closure of the Biloxi casinos has contributed to that decline. When asked by the bankruptcy trustee's representative what Griffin plans to do to increase revenue and/or cut expenses in order to be able to pay the corporation’s creditors, she stated that six new contracts are in the works between Griffin Investigations and casinos in South America and Central America.

    The leases on automobiles driven by the Griffins, a Lexus and a Mercedes, expire soon. To cut costs as part of the "reorganization" under Chapter 11, not continuing to provide cars for the two corporate officers was discussed.

    Ms. Griffin stated that the database is in the process of undergoing revisions and corrections "per the advice of counsel."

    Beverly is paid a salary of $2000 per week, and stated that she works about sixty hours a week. Robert receives a salary of $1100 per week, and stated that he works about twenty hours a week from his home. Two salaried "investigators" are each paid a salary of $1200 per week, plus reimbursement of expenses. The "investigators" use their own cars. There are two office staff members whose salaries were not discussed.

    The corporation pays $60 per week for a cleaning person to clean the "casita" in Beverly’s back yard that houses the office of the corporation.

    It was disclosed that the Nevada state agency that regulates private investigators has not been notified of the bankruptcy. It was not clear if such notification is required, but the attorney for the debtor corporation said he will notify the agency. The private investigator license was last renewed in July 2005. The required liability insurance policy is in place, but does not cover libel, slander, defamation, etc. Beverly stated that she had attempted to buy such insurance in the past, but was unable to obtain it.

    Many specific questions of Beverly were not answered directly. The most frequent response was that she would have to check with her accountant.

    It was revealed that a separate corporation called Griffin New Jersey has the contracts with Atlantic City casinos. The exchange of money between that corporation and the debtor corporation may be subject to further inquiry.

    The Griffin database was not listed as an asset in the bankruptcy schedules, and may be subject to further inquiry.

    Some discrepancies between documents filed with the District Court in the Grosjean/Russo matter and documents filed with the Bankruptcy Court may be subject to further inquiry.

    General information re: 341 meeting of creditors

  2. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Beverly Griffin

    Can I assume from this post that Beverly Griffin will not be appearing on the radio show.
    Andy lol
  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Welcome Guest

    Andy Beverly will always be welcome to come on the show to tell her "side" of the lies sorry I meant story. :joker:
  4. noman

    noman Top Member



    What a huge heart.

    Bev's only tryin to make a buck. It's been her edge all these years. Everyone else supposedly has an edge. Hers was unassailable until recently. We should shed a tear. Or not cry for Argentina.
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    She played with no edge !! Just Lies

    Having a edge is fine as long as you are not hurting anyone.Her edge was hurting a lot of people with false information and down right lies about people and implying that they are noted for "Card Bending" and "Card Marking" which I need to remind no one is a Felony in the State of Nevada.Statements like that can and will be harmful to a persons reputation.With that being said she is still more than welcome to come on the show and tell her "side " of the story .I better not hold my breath waiting for her to call to book herself on the show.I never did look good with a "Blue Face "
  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    Come on Joep. Extended the olive branch. Call her up and invite her on. That way, you won't have to turn, blue, purple and black.

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