More Good Tournament News!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by norm21, Nov 3, 2008.

  1. norm21

    norm21 New Member

    Hello again to all you supporters of tournament blackjack! If you happen to be in the Vegas area on Thursdays, come on out to the Sunset Station, UBT tournament. Changes have been made which most certainly will result in bigger turn outs and larger prizes. The $2000 guarantee still stands, but it should go over that very soon. The first round, first session will go off at 5pm with sign ups starting at 4pm. The first round, third session will be at 6:45pm, with following rounds every 45 minutes. The drawing will be at 8:15, and everyone not involved in the semi-finals can leave much earlier. If you are in the finals, that round should be going off about 9pm or a little after, and people can be done a full 2 hours earlier than before. The '2 advance from all rounds' rule that we all like is still in force, and $2000 or MORE spread around the final table for a $25 entry fee is a pretty darn good deal, especially when Sunset Station gives you a match play bet for $25.

    I am happy to add that because all you tough players have not shown up, you have let me win two of these Thursday nighters. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!!!!!!

  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    As anyone who reads the threads on this site knows, I am a big fan of the Calendar. The reason being that specific tournament information is easily accessible by referring to a Calendar posting. On the other hand, tournament information listed in the Forum is easily lost and hard to find in a short period of time. With this in mind, I have listed below the link to the Calendar posting of the Sunset events. You may want to click on it and edit the information as you see fit.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 26, 2013
  3. norm21

    norm21 New Member

    Sunset BJ Tournament

    Thank you, Toolman.
    The problem is I am not sure how to edit the calandar!
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    It's really not that difficult - it's mostly intuitive. Here is a brief rundown:

    1) Get the Calendar posting up on your screen.

    2) At the bottom of the posting you'll see a line that says "Edit this event". Left click on the word "Edit" (it is in green)

    3) On the the next screen you will be given some choices in a box on the right side. You can select to "Edit dates", Edit details", "Edit prizes", etc. Just click on what you want to edit.

    4) If you edit the "Details" narrative, be aware that the each line ends with a "Hard Return" so you may have to delete some invisible computer codes to make the lines look decent. Just put the courser at the end of the line that should not be an end of a line and press "delete" - just like Microsoft Word. This is not hard, just be patient.

    5) After you finish each page, click on "Next" at the bottom of the page. The next page then appears and you can edit that page if you need to.

    6) When you reach the "Prize" page and you click on "Next" you will see a summary of the net result of your edits. It looks similar to the actual posting. Now you can do one of 3 things:
    A) You can continue editing - refer to step 3 above.
    B) You can save the edited version by clicking on "Save" box in the upper left side.
    C) You can cancel all edits by clicking the appropriate box.

    And that's it. Once you get into it you'll breeze through it quite easily. Give it a try. ;)
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2008

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