More Hilton Tournament Nonsense

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Joep, Apr 4, 2007.

  1. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Over in the thread "Not A Good Sign" about the IP tournament being canceled.Dr Bass mentioned that he though the prize pool was reduced which caused the EV to suffer also. and he thought that may have been the cause of players not willing to play in the IP Tournament.That turned out not to be true,but what is true is the Las Vegas Hilton is once more sticking it up the players behinds, literally cutting the Prize Pool in half and not informing the players of it till they arrived for the tournament.

    A few days ago the Las Vegas Hilton had a baccarat tournament where the prize pool was advertised as 125,000. All their past tournaments all paid 125,000 in promo chips that played until they lost which gives the promo chips almost full value, less what ever the hold on the game is.The invitation's for this tournament read exactly the same as the past tournament invites.

    Well in keeping with the motto of screw the players, the Hilton kept the requirement's the same for the players which they had to meet before the semi finals started or else players who were eligible to play in the semis but who didn't have the required playing time in or had an 8,000 loss were disqualified.

    Here was the catch, the promo chips were good for one bet and one bet only which now reduces their value to less than 50 cents on the dollar.So the advertised prize pool of 125,000 was not even 62,500 but the players requirement's were not cut in half.Go figure.

    One asst shift manager at the Hilton who "HATES" Tournament players especially advantage players actually stopped the winner of the tournament from placing his promo chips on the (yo 11 Bet) on the dice table.This guy is paid a lot of money to protect the games yet he will stop a player from betting on a game and this bet that has a big house edge to it.Who is hiring these inept casino personnel.

    Care to guess who the inept asst shift manager is ? :joker:

  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Reply to Joep:

    Is it Large Marge?
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Most casinos are doing promo chips that way now.

    Don't get me wrong, I don't like it, but it's not like the LV Hilton was the first to make this change.

    Now advertising the promo chips as being able to play them until they lose them and then changing them when the players get there is not good, not good at all.

    Now I am just assuming, but my guess would be that before play started for the tournament the LV Hilton made an annoucement about the change. By doing so they could legally protect themselves however if nothing was told to the tournament players until after they played the baccarat tournament and then the winners were told about the change in the promo chips I think I would be contacting an attorney and gaming control.

    PS. Joep, I'll take a guess that the pit boss was the same one that asked you to leave while playing 3-card poker a couple of years back?
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I don't know Joe, could it be the same inept manager at :flame:
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    What is the difference between that and what did with their deposit bonuses? 100% Deposit bonus is advertised, up to $650. So suppose someone deposited 650, expecting to have 1,300 in their account only to realize after playing that no, they’ve only got 650 PENDING DOLLAR BONUS?

    I can’t believe that you get on your high horse about the Las Vegas Hilton but remain mum, silent, close lipped, hush hush about your little Golden Step Child,

    Why am I suddenly speaking out on this again? Well while I was told they would “investigate” the situation there are two (2) MAJOR problems.

    1. After “crowing” about winning the third 25,000 satellite on Friday March 30 with the 5 tourney bonus dollars – turning it into 215 tournament dollars – I still haven’t been paid. I’ve sent over 10 e-mails and the inept people can’t see it
    2. I received a follow up e-mail saving they are “reviewing the blackjack procedures and promotions…we have to indicate that previous play will not apply in order to get any bonus.”

    Now talk about sticking it up the players behinds :flame:
  6. GHermanski

    GHermanski Banned User

    Open your eyes

    I can’t believe that you get on your high horse about the Las Vegas Hilton but remain mum, silent, close lipped, hush hush about your little Golden Step Child,

    You can't believe it? You're surprised? The Hilton changes their policy and he can't get here fast enough to complain about it, but when bet21 lies, scams, schemes, and defrauds the public he defends them. Why is that? Could it be that he has some interest in one and not the other? Why not step up with the truth?
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Hey Germ Man you have 12 life time post
    2 are about celebrity blackjack :joker:
    1 is about you creating lines for the wsob :joker: Like who really cares :p

    And how surprising is this the other 9 are a "POKE" at me and thats not counting the 2 that were blasted off the boards by the site administrator.That would be 11 out of 14 if you include the blasted ones.Here is the math on that every time you decided to grace us with your wisdom :eek: , 79% of the time it will include something about me.If this were baseball you would be a shoe-in for the Hall of Fame,but its not so you are here by nominated to be inducted into the "HALL OF SHAME"

    You say you have a "LIFE" but that seems to be chasing me around the INTERNET.Why don't you really get a LIFE.

    BTW is it hard to type with one hand?.....................LMAO

    Last edited: Apr 4, 2007
  8. noman

    noman Top Member


    What did you win? The third entry to the 25,000, or the 25,000? And I thought you were seriously considering not playing?

    But, if you won three of something, it would prove the adage: The more you play the more you'll win. And in the long run, the more you win, at some point you'll get paid. Play an infinite deck for infinitey and you come out even.

    Or take up macrame.
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    I had 3 (three) first place finishes in the 25,000 satellite tournements.
    The first win gave me an immediate entry to the 25,000 event - great and no problem

    The second win resulted in me having to sent over 6 e-mails to finally get the tournament director looking at my account before giving me the 215 tourney dollars - frustrating but hey their CS sucks

    The third win happened after I took some of the 50 tourney dollar bribe money and entered on March 30, 2007. Some of the CS responses have been tragic. There's more but I don't want to bore the other members here - that's why I started my own "blog". However I have a feeling that it will soon turn into something more than that.

    The way things have been going even three (3) entries into the 25,000 event wouldn't have helped!

    Your point, "and at some point you'll get paid" - yeah eventually but why all the hoops and dog and pony show? Any other company that treated it's customers like this would be on the 6 o'clock evening news with a reporter shoving a microphone in the owners face.

    BTW I tried macrame in the past as a Christmas present for the Mrs. For some reason she just didn't appreciate my handiwork :laugh:

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  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Try Basket Weaving

    Reluctantly, kicking and screaming, I'm gettin swayed. It hurts to trust and be betrayed. But....with a lot I'm hearin and not just from you, molar puller,(I have the bottoms left, any deals?) I'm slowly beginin to wonder.

    Whatever shakes out though, FG, be careful.

    Other than in Nevada, you can't come screaming out of the brotheral and complain to the po po that you just got screwed.

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