More sad news

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by jamesmcnulty, Dec 30, 2010.

  1. jamesmcnulty

    jamesmcnulty Member

    More sad news. It's with a heavy heart that I am announcing that Marvin Scherzer passed away this morning from cancer. I'll certainly miss his smiling face and friendly demeanor.
    KenSmith likes this.
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Thanks for the post Jim. You're surely right in your description of Marv. He was a nice fellow, for sure. He had some tournament success over the years. Won Treasure Island (Vegas) event at least once and probably others that I'm not aware of.
    Please relay my condolences to his wife and family.
    Thank you.

    Billy C
  3. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    We've sure lost of a lot of friends in recent times.

    Your mention of his smiling face is very appropriate. I don't think I ever saw Marvin without a big smile. I'm truly sorry to hear of his passing.

    And, yes, I think he won the TI invitational more than once. He certainly had an outstanding track record there.
  4. norm21

    norm21 New Member

    Marv Scherzer

    Marv was a great freind of mine for the past 17 years. He seldom came to Las Vegas when I did not find time to see him. He had an interesting Blackjack History:

    He learned his strategy from Dr. Thorpe's book in 1962. It is a very difficult one, and was made obsolete by better methods. However, to Marvin's credit, he was able to successfully use the system right up to the month before his death. He had a wonderful ability to BS with the pit, while taking large bet spreads and getting great ratings for comps and tournament invites. I expect his smile had a lot to do with that. After his stroke about ten years ago, he was told he could not get any better after six months of recovery, but he exercised and never gave up. It was over a year before he returned to the Stardust tournament. He later won two Treasure Island tournaments, and took 2nd at a Venetian tournament for 35K about three years ago. He would be the first to say he was not a great tournment winner, but he was absolutely tenacious; both in life and at the tables.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 3, 2011
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