More Thoughts on BJ Tournaments

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Phil Dunaway, Sep 30, 2005.

  1. Phil Dunaway

    Phil Dunaway Member

    I was reading the latest posts about The Ultimate Blackjack Tournament and it came to me that as long as only a few fortunate individuals were selected to be in the tournament,that Blackjack Tournaments will never be on a par with Poker Tournaments.The World Poker Tour which is carried by the Travel Channel & The World Series of Poker which is carried by ESPN are all great tournaments,but they have one thing in common & that is that all of the tournaments are open to the World.Anybody that wants to plop down the entry fee is in the tournament & that's what the Blackjack Tournaments need to get to.I do want to say that I know there are a few individuals out there working their rear ends off to make this happen.kennye,joep,kensmith,just to name a few.I wish you the best of success in this challenge.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It's been slow in coming, but I think you'll get your wish in 2006.
    Both the UBT and the next GSN event are likely to be open to all, through qualifying events.

    And, I agree, it's about time.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Satellite at HO_CHUNK - possibly

    Last weekend (9-24-05) I played in a monthly tournament at the HO-CHUNK in Wisconsin. The tournament supervisor gave us some interesting information that I'm not sure is 100% correct.

    She said the HO-CHUNK was selected to host 3 satellites for the "World Series of Blackjack". These satellites are to take place in January and February, 2006 with entries fees of about $350. A TV crew would also be there doing some filming.

    How accurate is her information? I don't know. Personally I doubt its the "World Series of Blackjack" --- probably is some other event. Just have to wait for more accurate details. She said I should get more details in the mail when the time gets closer. Again, just have to wait and see. :rolleyes:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    GSN anyway

    I am not sure if it will be for the "World Series of Blackjack", but it will be for GSN. Either the WSOB III or their new "World Blackjack Tour".

    They have been booking casinos all around the country and will be starting up after the first of the year with their satellite events.

    Future of blackjack tournaments are starting to look brighter thanks to GSN and Ultimate Bet.

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