More tournaments on the way

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Right now I know everybody is hoping for a seat on the WSOB at the end of the month (me included) and I wish everybody good luck, however if your not selected don't give up on getting to play in a blackjack tournament with a big payoff this year.

    I have been hearing rumors of possible FIVE blackjack tournaments or tours in the works for 2006. All of which will be for BIG BUCKS!

    Hopefully two of them will have press releases in the next month or so. These events will be open for all to play in for qualifying and not just through a selection process.

    Sounds like 2006 will be the year Blackjack tournaments start making some strides to catch up with poker events.

    Keep your fingers crossed.
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    More tourneys:

    Otay, TX. I'll bite. How did we jump to FIVE?
  3. Sounds Good

    Thanks for the teaser TX, sounds good. Got my curiosity.

    Take Care
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Just five?

    Noman, five is just what I have heard about, that is not to say there isn't more.

    Most all are either working out the kinks or waiting for gaming control approval and there is a couple still in the planning stages.

    All in all 2006 is sounding pretty good for new blackjack tournaments and tours.

    I'll post more details about each one as I learn them.

    Good luck to all the WSOB hopefuls.
  5. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Bring Them On-show Me The Money:
  6. noman

    noman Top Member

    Gabazillion tourneys:

    TY tx: take u're word for it. But, I don't think anyone(of average weight, hair length, personality, )from this site, made the WSOB. Hell the call for extras was cut off at 50 years of age. There are only a few mensa Mensch's under that with tv experience to get picked, forget about the aborted qualifiers and the casino picked and the so called sweepstakes.

    TV is one thing and that's okay. Oh my god, did u see idol's ratings against even the grammy's. So let tv do their thing. But gosh allmighty, let's get the pay for play, or the play for play(tool) deals going.

    There are 3 grand people on this site. The aol/gsn link had tons more, though most poo pooed tourneys. Too arrogant to understand the potential pay off, luck or not.

    I'd rather put my money up against anywhere from 120 to 300 people than sit for six months at a regular table, trying to bust the curve for a couple of bucks.
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    3 grand people

    OK. I'll bite. Who are the 3?
  8. noman

    noman Top Member

    The Three:

    Sorry tool. As usual I got carried away. I don't know the Three Grand players. But from the last year, there are at least three, go back five, ten, fifteen, twenty years....there are in the twenties of folks who have put up good and repeatable wins(I am not among them, but I'm a busy-body, trying to identify them for when I get lucky enough to compete against them.)
  9. instagator

    instagator New Member

    WSOB Invites

    According to Wayne Allen Root the following players are "Locks" to make the show:
    Hollywood (star of stage, screen and beer commercials) Dave.
    Ken (World Champion) Einiger.
    The Fat Cowboy (WSOB third place finisher and accomplished tobacco spitter).
    Angie Moneygrabber (Poster Girl along with Ken on the WSOB/AOL website and the reigning Queen of Blackjack).
    At least two of the loudmouths on King of Vegas ( unless FatBoy eats himself to death or the 90 year old craps player takes a dirt nap before then. and
    JoeP (talk show host and Hollywood Dave intimidator).
    Now if we could only get Stardust to post odds on the invitees we'd all be rich.

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