More UBT info from LVA

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by KenSmith, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    The latest issue of Las Vegas Advisor is out, and it includes some additional information about UBT.

    The air dates of 9 out of 10 of the shows on CBS have been announced. They are Sept 16/23/30, Oct 14, Nov 4/18/25, Dec 25/30.

    The big news is that one seat at each major event final table will be won via a freeroll at, open to all.
    "Prior to September 23, two players will win a seat on a final TV table along with an all-expense paid trip to Aruba. The process will be repeated for St. Kitts and all the UBT tour stops."

    The Aruba schedule includes two $540 events and the $2700 main event.
    St Kitts schedule includes three $540 events plus the $2700 main event.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    I hear the shows will be on Saturday mornings which is a bad time slot. What kind of viewership do you think they are counting on? Wont it be hard to get to 100,000? JoeP said 'maybe' offers would be made to wear logo hats for $25,000! Wont that take viewers in the several 100,000s if not a million+? I think they better beef up promotion or this ratings will stink. Keep in mind is the premier BJT info site in the world and has less than 6000 registered participants.


  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Reading thru the UBT site I notice one producer named Moonvies (sic) so I say to myself gee...I wonder if he is related to Les Moonvies head of the CBS network....:)

    Yep he is brother to Les so I guess he is going to get good time slots and promo....

    I also saw the ads with Ken E and the owner so I now see how Joe is involved.

    I hope it is a great success!!!

    Maybe I can get lucky and win a seat in Aruba...

    Id love to put some faces to names....especially Joe Pain...:)

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